Developing Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence
This online course is based on my book, Becoming a Sun: Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence for a Happy, Fulfilling Life.
Is it possible to learn emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence from a book?
Here is what one participant said about her experience:
- If you are hungry to know more about your own emotions and the emotions of other people...
- If you are passionate about becoming more self-aware...
- If you realize that you have unique gifts to bring to the world...
- If you know you need high emotional intelligence to live a happy, fulfilling life...
A Learning Journey
Like life, my book is a learning journey. And like life, it is a journey to grace.
Grace is the realization that through all the experiences we have on the human journey, life is a gift.
I believe that awareness is where the life path of every person is taking them. But only if they let it.

Sure, life lessons can be hard. The education we receive from life itself is rigorous. It contains adversity. And still, when we realize what is happening—that all of life is taking us to an experience of fulfillment and deep joy—we face the present moment in a different way. The fear that can paralyze a person subsides. The urge to truly live takes over.
This is where the Becoming a Sun Online Course takes you.
Becoming a Sun is a book of poetry and prose written in mini-chapters that average three pages each. The course takes you through one mini-chapter a day and invites you to respond to the content in a brief journal exercise.
Simple, yes?
It is simple. But it becomes a powerful process that creates a life-changing experience, one step at a time.

The course is an exercise in self-awareness. It is a safe, guided journey through the inner landscape of the human experience.
By the time you finish, you will have an understanding of yourself and your relationships with others you didn’t have before. You will be equipped with higher levels of social intelligence and greater levels of self-confidence. You will go past trying to manage emotions to enjoying the emotional ride your life is taking you on. And in the process, you will gain an uncommon emotional mastery. That is way different than emotional suppression. It is a liberation of the most powerful energies of the soul.
So much of the information that is available on emotional intelligence is about the performance of a person in the world—how they can excel in business, leadership, and in their relationships with other people. All the while, emotional intelligence is driven by something deeper in the heart of a person. It is shaped by spiritual intelligence—a person’s sense of peace and well-being; their deep-felt empathy for other people and all forms of life.
Isn’t this the knowledge and understanding our life journey is trying to teach us? This deep-down knowledge at a soul level lets us make essential and lasting changes in how we show up in the world.
What Are the 7 Elements of Emotional Intelligence?
The 7 elements of emotional intelligence are tied to the elements of our human experience. Simply put, we think, we feel, we live in our physical bodies, and we have our own experience of the human spirit. As these elements of experience come to life, emotion is activated.
Emotional intelligence is an awareness of how emotions are evoked, and what happens when they are. It is noticing the patterns of emotion that are active in your own experience and becoming conscious of them as they unfold moment by moment.

Emotional intelligence is noticing how emotions tend to follow a 7-fold pattern. This is how I name phases of that pattern in Becoming a Sun:
The Warmth of Blessing
The Atmosphere of Understanding
The Bursts of Action
The Fusion of Fulfilling Mission
The Rays of Enlightened Thought
The Gravity of Courage
The Radiance and Reflections of Grace
These are the 7 elements of emotional intelligence. They are the names for the 7 major chapters of Becoming a Sun.
David Karchere, Author

My name is David Karchere, author of Becoming a Sun, and the creator of this book course. I’ve taught the principles contain in my book around the world—in the U.S. and Canada, the UK, Japan, South Africa, and Australia. I’ve offered in-person trainings and seminars at the Omega Institute, the Novalis Ubuntu Institute, and at Sunrise Ranch. I’m so happy to now be able to offer an easy way for people learn this material online, in the comfort of their own homes.
I’ve brought together a fabulous group of guides for this online course. You will be assigned a guide who will be a witness to your journaling in response to the readings from the book. From time to time, they will offer their words of encouragement and insight to support you on your learning journey. I’ve led workshops and seminars based on the ideas in the book with each of them. So they know the material well and they are seasoned guides on this journey.
Why Is This Course Called Becoming a Sun?
I believe that it is our destiny to become a sun—to let the warmth, fire, and light inside us get out. It is our destiny to bring understanding, empathy, and compassion to the world. Not everyone fulfills that destiny. But each of us is called.
The human journey is a journey to grace. It is the journey of becoming a sun.
This course illuminates this path for the people who take it. And it supports people on their way.
Tell Me More About Enrolling for This Online Course
Here are the simple steps to take this online course:
Click here to buy Becoming a Sun: Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence for a Happy, Fulfilling Life on Amazon in the United States for $15.95.
If you live outside the U.S., check Amazon where you live to buy the book. If it is not available, you can buy the e-book from Amazon in the U.S. for $8.95.
Click here to enroll in the Becoming a Sun online course. Enrollment is now only $19.99.
What Are People Saying About the Book?
“David Karchere’s Becoming a Sun is a sun; it literally shone through my heart the moment I began to read it. It is the sun of light, love, and the radiance of Source glowing through each of us. With this book, we are able to feel the sun within us. It is always true, but often so hard to remember. I consider the poems within it to be vital gifts to all who are emerging today, guiding our world toward greater love and oneness.”

“This book is so well written. David is such a great teacher. Reading Becoming a Sun is like having him sitting right next to you, explaining things clearly, calmly, and compassionately.
This is some wonderful learning made easy.”

“It is pretty safe to say that never before in modern times has the world needed David Karchere’s insightful and uplifting reflection of the human spirit quite as much as it does right now. Becoming A Sun offers a new way of understanding how the light that shines within us all will also illuminate the path that lies ahead in life’s wondrous journey. Simply put, Becoming A Sun is a warm-hearted gift to the reader, a proclamation of the very best that is humanly possible.”

“Becoming a Sun is an affirmation of the unlimited potential of humanity. In heart-felt poetry and lucid prose, David Karchere dispels the illusions that keep people separate. His words reconnect the reader with the Divine Essence and inner wisdom that lead to oneness. And he shares a brilliant recipe for personal and global transformation. The world needs this book!”

Co-publisher, MEDIA ETHICS magazine
Professor, Emerson College