This Week’s Quotation:

What is possible for a person and what is potential in this world might seem to be a dream relating to some future time. What is possible might seem to be nonexistent, something that might take form here one day in the world as it is. But when we touch real possibility or potential, we are not just touching something that could manifest here. We are sensing an already-existing reality at another level of Being. There is an already-existing glory. There is truth and beauty before it ever manifests in a world that is perceptible by our inner intuition. This realm of potential holds the essence of what could manifest in physical form.

~ Becoming a Sun p. 208

A Home for the Possible

Maria Zayas, Teacher, and counselor of the heart and soul.

Where do dreams come from? These visions and sensations that feel so real in the night, only to evaporate come morning. Have you ever struggled to hold on to the incredible beauty and wisdom in your dreams, just to have it slip through your fingers?

What if we could let the bridge that connects our dreams with our seeming reality become stronger, clearer, and more accessible? Dance the dance of the sacred spiral that connects the world we perceive through our inner intuition with the world we have come to identify as reality.

We are a home for all that is potential and possible, all that is sacred and replete with wonder. We recognize those states, those circumstances, those relationships that sing to us through our subconscious, sing of the glory held in potential and seeking to manifest through us.

Let us invite the glory that already exists in the realm of potential to cross the bridge, enter our home, and join us in the dance of creation. As we move and harmonize with the Source of All That Is, in the realm of the possible, we blend in synergy, and the energy of manifestation is released with the power of the Sun in a glorious swirl of color and texture and movement that shapes our world!

We are made to revel in the rhythms of wonder and love for Source and for one another! Join in the dance and watch your world change, strand by strand, as the ineffable dream becomes the reality of the magic of Life!

What does it mean to become a sun?

Every human being is already a sun on the inside—a being of intense love and light. The difference is that some people have the vision and courage to become a sun on the outside. This difference is our human destiny.

4 Responses

  1. This art of manifestation is something I am working with every day. Thank you Maria for the rich and evocative imagery – it is a dance, and the invitation is to surrender to its magic. Blessings and gratitude, Berry

  2. Wonderful to be with you, Maria, in the dance of life, letting our full potential be released. Truly, a beautiful dream come true!

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