This Week’s Quotation:
The journey to a fulfilled life begins when you live into the wonder of what is possible for you to experience and create. It includes an opening to an awareness of the wonder of Being within you and the vastness of Universal Being—the spiritual reality within all Creation. The journey also leads you to aspire to create your own world of wonder—a place in which the possibility that you have touched can thrive.
~ Becoming a Sun, p. 249
Being Yourself

David speaks about a fulfilled life. I am intrigued and inspired. So much attention can go to lack or things not going as we hoped. I ask myself and you fellow readers, what have you created? What would we like to create and why not now?
I know I am a creator and so are you. And I have touched the wonder and the vastness David speaks about and I expect you have as well. Have you had the experience of something taking your breath away? Falling in love? A glorious spring day? A roaring ocean? A powerful thunderstorm? A single bird playing outside your window? I have and I feel the thrill of each of these even as I write these words.
When needed, in times of stress or overwhelm, I call on these images to remind me. I expand my gratitude for them and I touch that spiritual reality within all creation.
We are designed to live in this place of wonder and to create a world that manifests it. Here is where we touch and bring the light of the world. It invites us and the rest of the world to return to sanity, peace, and joy.
What a wonderful thriving world! What a wonderful life!
What does it mean to become a sun?
Every human being is already a sun on the inside—a being of intense love and light. The difference is that some people have the vision and courage to become a sun on the outside. This difference is our human destiny.
4 Responses
“Creating our own world of wonder” – what an amazing blessing to start our day, week, month and year!!!!
Thank you!!!!!!
How true, Jane, that life in physical form on earth is filled with wonder if we will but take a moment to acknowledge and notice it. Though Nature is under assault from human self-activity, there is still so much beauty to behold. And our vision is enlarged as the ordering power of Love flows radiantly through us.
Hi Jane, Wonderful comments by Katie-Grace and Jane, Yes, I so appreciate the vibrancy and passion of life itself. Your words will no doubt inspire some to remember the song Louis Armstrong made famous “Its a Wonderful World” and I want to add a song far less quoted by the Emissary group Harvest called “Of What A DAy”. Lyrics included “Keep movin’ with the leaves a blowin’ through the winds of May, I’m telling everyone around me “things will be okay’ O what a day! I can feel it … all around!” I am singing with you “Of what a life!” What an amazing opportunity we have to live, bless, love, energize,uplift. I am with you and David in doing that full-time. Love to you and all who read this, Tom c.
Thank-you Jane! There is no limit to the wonder and beauty available to be experienced. These words just inspire me to let go, trust & celebrate all the incredible gifts that I am constantly recieving & to just give it back in the peace & love that I have to give from my heart.