This Week’s Quotation:

A spiritually asleep person is satisfied with an opaque veil—a state of awareness in which there is little consciousness of the sacred. So many who consider themselves spiritually aware settle on a translucent veil—like a window made of frosted glass. They have enough conscious awareness to let some sunlight through from the other side of the window. But the shape and pattern of that reality is only a blur so it ends up having little immediate relevance to how they live their life. …

As a sun builder, this sacred veil is a profound tool in your work. With clear thoughts and feelings, the warmth and the light of the sun can shine through you into the creative field inhabited by the people in your life. This allows the great gift you have to offer to the world to be given.

~ Becoming a Sun, p. 156

Blessed Radiance

Jane Anetrini, Doctor of Chiropractic. She assists people in finding their own inner wisdom, strength, and vitality.

We are powerful. We are creators. With clear thoughts and warm feelings light shines through us. With negative, judgmental thoughts and feelings we become opaque and dark. Are we creating a holy place or a mess?

All kinds of things move through our hearts and minds. We are connected to the world and in service to it. We can have negative thoughts and feelings and not let them make a home in our consciousness. In fact, when they come we can let them feel the pressure and heat of our love to be transformed. I have wondered why these things come into my awareness. Have you? “I am being loving and in service and then judgment creeps in.”

Here is how I respond to that. Step one, I acknowledge it. Step two, I bless it. Step three, I forgive myself. Step four, love more.

I sing praises of gratitude that I am alive and available to receive whatever shows up so I might give the great gift that is mine to give to the world. I offer mine and welcome yours. As we are gentle and strong with ourselves and others there is a home for the blessed generation that is ours to share.

What does it mean to become a sun?

Every human being is already a sun on the inside—a being of intense love and light. The difference is that some people have the vision and courage to become a sun on the outside. This difference is our human destiny.

5 Responses

  1. Yes, Jane, I love your four steps. And I am with you now in step 4 – LOVING MORE. Love to you and all who read this in the Christmas season. I note many treasures on this site and recommend them all — the On-line course, the two books PRIMAL CHRISTIANITY and BECOMING A SUN, and the ARTICLES below. …. so much to appreciate and drink in. Merry CHRISTmas and Happy SOLstice to all. Love, Tom C.

  2. Thank you, David and Jane, for your holiday invitation to discard the opaque veils of religion, culture, politics, etc. in favor of the translucent veil that allows the Light within each of us to shine brilliantly into our worlds.

  3. Hi Jane and David
    Many thanks for your wise words and strategies on how to respond to my negative thoughts and feelings
    I need to constantly remind myself that I am in the world and not of it
    I’m grateful for the gifts shared by all by the Angels that we are

  4. Thank you Jane, I am here to let that which is holy shine through, with you in this – thank you for the uncomplicated steps that it takes to clear the veil, love, Anne Lise

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