This Week’s Quotation:

We are surrounded by the infinite—infinite space, infinite stars, and infinite potential of this human life. It stretches in all directions.

We are surrounded by the eternal—time before all beginnings, reaching beyond all endings.

The nature of your life as a human being is to be present here and now in this moment in time, in this immediate place where you are reading these words. The infinite and the eternal are present with you in this place—all those stars, solar systems, galaxies, and all that space. All those eons of time that have led to this moment—your parents’ parents’ parents, and so many generations before them. The unfoldment of all creation before the first human being. And all the unfolding kaleidoscope of infinite possible outcomes that are before you in your own life that stretch into future generations of humanity and beyond.

Becoming a Sun, p. 135-136

Boundaries vs Empowerment

What if the boundaries we have set to protect ourselves were cutting us off from the infinite and the eternal that is present in each moment, preventing us from experiencing the possible and taking ownership of our creative power?

Empowerment needs to come from somewhere and for it to land we need to take hold of it, step into it ourselves. We can help each other to see or feel into self-empowerment but it truly doesn’t manifest until we are ready. Are we ready?

If we live from a place of knowing the infinite is present within us, we no longer need to protect or prove ourselves. We live from a place of empowerment of self and others. We have the opportunity to own our power and support others to own theirs.

In a recent interchange with someone, the person was looking to be empowered by me. What I saw was an opportunity for them to step into their power. In their fear of making a mistake, probably from a previous experience, it felt more trustworthy for empowerment to come from me rather than from within themselves.

I know I can relate to that. How about you?

This is a pattern we need to heal within the consciousness of humanity and it can only be done when we do the work for ourselves. We deserve to be fully present for the infinite and eternal. That is why we are here! Let’s stop cutting ourselves off from this and let’s nurture each other into truly living!

What does it mean to become a sun?

Every human being is already a sun on the inside—a being of intense love and light. The difference is that some people have the vision and courage to become a sun on the outside. This difference is our human destiny.

6 Responses

  1. Well put, Keahi. And I can relate to this personally. If someone seems to be repeatedly shutting down your creative potential or offerings, in my case, I can pull back and either put up boundaries with that person, or fear making another offering lest I be shut down again. I have heard that is true for others as well. If I do that, I have shut down my own power and am giving over my strength to someone else’s prejudice, jealousy, fear, or avoidance. ANd I do damage to my own spirit … and possibly to theirs and others’ as well by shutting down in side. I don’t see how that can be fruitful to my world. I appreciate your thinking on this. We have unlimited power but so often reduce it or fail to use it due to fear, previous experiences, or doubt about self-worth. If God gave us creative power, how could it be wise to ignore it and fail to utilize it ? Let’s GO FOR IT!

    for anyone reading this comment, please know I strongly recommend all that is publicized here including the book BECOMING A SUN, the mailing list, subscription, and more. Love, Tom C.

  2. If we live from a place of knowing the infinite is present within us, we no longer need to protect or prove ourselves. We live from a place of empowerment of self and others. We have the opportunity to own our power and support others to own theirs.

    This is so soft and sweet.
    This, to me is not advocating an absence of boundaries. It is softening the edges of those boundaries. It is encouraging one to be courageous and live eternal, fulfilling, owning now.
    With no need to protect or prove.
    And bringing others with.
    Love this.
    Thank you.

  3. All of the above is so beautifully stated – from the initial quote to the beautiful responses. Thank you to All – our support for each other is paramount – as is our support for our own Selves.


  4. So many human beings are looking for meaning and empowerment from another person, from some kind of belief system or maybe even a political party, i.e. something outside of themselves. Thanks for directing our focus to the sovereignty of our beings, to the Wonderful One Within, to the infinite Source of Love at the core of each of us. Here is the key not only to personal fulfillment but to the regeneration of humanity.

  5. Thank-you Keahi! Living in the infinite creates in me the possibilities of completely redesigning my life recognizing where I have been holding myself back and freeing me up to release whatever issues have been holding me back. Standing in the present moment I can see who I am and can see who others are and I can let go to all that is in the moment. To Be a genuine friend to myself and others and do what I have come on earth to be in this life. Love unconditionally!

  6. Thank-you Keahi! Living in the infinite creates in me the possibilities of completely redesigning my life recognizing where I have been holding myself back and freeing me up to release whatever issues have been holding me back. Standing in the present moment I can see who I am and can see who others are and I can let go to all that is in the moment. To Be a genuine friend to myself and others and do what I have come on earth to be in this life. Love unconditionally!

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