This Week’s Quotation:
Try experimenting with this idea. Your consciousness could create your world. That creation will require some thinking about the physical reality around you. But more than that is required. You have to open your thoughts to the spiritual so that what is possible in the world can be conceived in your mind. The spiritual dimension of your Being is what activates the mind with new thought, new ideas, new potential, and new possibilities. It is the source of creative imagination.
~ Becoming a Sun p. 195
Cosmic Creation

Do you ever wonder where your thoughts come from? It is the most miraculous thing, that thoughts appear as if out of nowhere with amazing insight and creativity. And yet, sometimes, thoughts that are not as productive seem to appear in our minds as well.
Consciousness. What is held in our consciousness? And how does that relate to what appears in our minds as thoughts? If we think of our consciousness as the complex field that results from the interaction of all the factors in our world, of all the relationships between aspects of ourselves and with others and the larger field of life, we are called to bring care and attention to that field of rich exchange and creative possibilities.
As we open our thoughts to the spiritual dimension of Being, that energy that makes all things new is given entry into our thoughts, and the field of consciousness is mined with greatness. What new and powerful processes of creation could come through these open doors that are willing to receive inspiration and then orchestrate ways of letting that inspiration be made into form?
I am ready to find out! How about you?
What does it mean to become a sun?
Every human being is already a sun on the inside—a being of intense love and light. The difference is that some people have the vision and courage to become a sun on the outside. This difference is our human destiny.
3 Responses
Dear Maria – Yes!!!! Open Doors and Open Windows – we do live in interesting times – and depending on how we teach ourselves to open our awareness to it all – in so many ways – we have what you have offered in this message – the shift in human destiny. Thank you and Blessings
Yes, Maria, I am ready to find out what “new and powerful processes of creation” will emerge in my consciousness in this new year, followed by the resulting engagement of my mind and heart that will bring these creative impulses into material form. It is a never-ending adventure as we continue to explore the beauty, wonder and glory of life in a new and awesome year of spiritual service.
Awesome Maria! Our mind plays such a big part in our creative processes. The choice is present in every moment where to put attention and what to do. The possibility to allow oneself to be inspired to be creative is always avaliable but I need to be present I need to face my habits with love compassion, understanding and let go to a bigger picture that is always calling to us. I just need to let go and trust spirit to allow the creativity in my imagination in my conciousness to just flow. Love is always available to discover the deeper level of magnificence that we each are.