This Week’s Quotation:

Sacredness is impossible to define. But you know it when you experience it; when you see something so exquisitely beautiful that it takes your breath away. It evokes profound respect and radical amazement. You sense the wholeness and the beingness of someone or something. And you see with different eyes the perfection within the imperfection of life.

~ Becoming a Sun p. 154

Embracing the Sacred

Lana Roach
Lana Roach, Attunement Practitioner, and Reiki Master Teacher

This quote perfectly encapsulates the indescribable feeling that washes over us when we encounter something truly extraordinary—those moments when the ordinary becomes transcendent.

Recently, while visiting my partner in Idaho, I had such an experience. We rented stand-up paddleboards and spent two days exploring a serene lake near our campsite. As I glided across the water, the majestic mountains and crystal-clear waters enveloped me. Time seemed to stand still. I watched fish dart beneath the surface, marveled at the soaring eagles, and lost myself in the rhythm of my strokes.

Each breath became a precious gift, and a profound sense of peace and awe filled my heart. The beauty of the natural world radiated from every direction, and I felt an overwhelming connection—not just to nature, but to the very essence of life itself. It was a reminder that sacredness isn’t confined to grand cathedrals or ancient temples; it can be found in the simplest of experiences.

So often, we overlook the simple beauty that surrounds us. But when we pause and truly appreciate the world around us, we can discover the sacred in even the most ordinary moments. This realization continues to transform my perspective. I now see the sacredness in everything: the sunrise painting the sky, the gentle touch of a loved one, and even the seemingly mundane tasks of daily life. Life is precious, and sacredness is everywhere if we choose to see it.

By embracing the sacredness within and around us, we cultivate a deeper sense of joy, peace, and fulfillment. What about you? Have you experienced moments of profound sacredness in your own life? I’d love to hear your stories in the comments below. Let’s explore these moments together.

What does it mean to become a sun?

Every human being is already a sun on the inside—a being of intense love and light. The difference is that some people have the vision and courage to become a sun on the outside. This difference is our human destiny.

3 Responses

  1. Yes, Lana, great to hear about your experience of the truly sacred in the cathedrals of nature. i hear you and resonate given my own experience of realizing I am already in a temple in which my shoes should be removed because I am standing on holy ground. And it is often not the setting which has changed … but rather my perception of what was already sacred around me but I knew it not … because /i did not realize my own sacredness. Great to share this sacred moment together and to thank you for your thought. For those reading, I also strongly recommend all on this website whether an on-line course, list or the book BECOMING A SUN. Loving thanks, Tom C.

  2. I marvel at the sacredness of Life the first few moments when I leave my apartment in the morning. I am surrounded by the trees and bushes in my front yard, which I now call “Jerry’s Jungle.” I touch, greet and bless each tree and bush. And there is an apple orchard in front of the house I live in. The wild turkeys love it there. Even they recognize and embrace this sacred space.

  3. Yes – when we stay in the Sacredness – we also tend to stay in our integrity – which is a beautiful Surround.

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