This Week’s Quotation:
What you do or do not do will make a great difference to the outcome of something that is important to you, and the process of spiritual evolution includes coming to terms with that realization. It includes taking on the apparent burden of responsibility for things you care about. It can seem like such a heavy burden.
~ Becoming a Sun p. 130
Finding the Path in a Shifting World

It can feel like the world is being shaped by forces beyond our reach—powerful leaders in distant rooms and decisions made far from our hands. It’s easy to believe that responsibility lies elsewhere, that someone else will step up, that change will come from the outside.
And yet, if we pause, we might sense a deeper truth stirring within us: what we do, or do not do, matters.
We are all shaping what is to come. The moment we accept that, we step into something greater than just our individual lives. But not everything is ours to carry. In a world pulling us in a thousand directions, it’s essential to discern what is truly ours to do. We are not meant to take on every battle, but there is something that is calling for our unique gifts, our perspective, and our action.
At first, the idea that our choices shape the world can feel like a heavy weight—like an endless responsibility tugging at our energy, our time, our peace of mind. It can be tempting to stay in the comfort of inertia.
But something happens when we embrace what matters to us. The burden transforms. What once felt like obligation becomes fulfillment. What once felt like duty becomes joy. We become purpose-filled.
This is the real spiritual journey—not just seeking inspiration but becoming the means through which something greater manifests in the world. It is about taking the possibility that stirs in our hearts and turning it into action—however small, however imperfect—so that it moves from being just an idea into something real, something tangible.
When we align our thoughts, emotions, and actions with what is possible, we are not just witnessing the world—we are shaping it. We become the ones through whom transformation occurs.
What does it mean to become a sun?
Every human being is already a sun on the inside—a being of intense love and light. The difference is that some people have the vision and courage to become a sun on the outside. This difference is our human destiny.
3 Responses
I really appreciate your concluding words, Lana: “When we align our thoughts, emotions, and actions with what is possible, we are not just witnessing the world—we are shaping it. We become the ones through whom transformation occurs.” Doing this puts a current of regeneration and transformation into our consciousness and spreads it into the mass consciousness of humanity. This is how we serve and take responsibility for our worlds and THE world.
Some time ago, when Eastern spirituality was popular here there was a memorable phrase in use Not-doing.
It was a strange idea at the time, but it meant something like not straining to achieve a result, a kind of ‘letting’.
To look at the state of world is to see a humanity apparently broken, fragmented into as many groups or tribes or what have you as anyone could list and not cover them all. All they’re all in conflict in on way or another no one needs to be told that. The truth of the matter is that no one is in control, though many strive to exert control, and more seek to influence those efforts.
But I don’t accept that humanity is truly fragmented, but only appears to be when looked at superficially. Underneath is a reality which all share and which can be felt, a spiritual unity to which we need only let go to allow it to flood our minds and hearts and flow out to each other. This letting go is the not-doing, and the only way I or any, or all, can resolve the chaos of conflicting desires, needs and ambitions that so bewilder all attempts to order and control events. So; it is possible to wash and put away the dishes in a clean spirit; possible to talk to others in an uplifting spirit; possible to possible to write to leaders in a wholesome spirit, in all, calling forth the great connection and the restorative wisdom flowing from it.
Thank you for your inspiring and clear blog. I resonate with your call to action – even in small ways, unique to each one, but causing huge changes for our planetary body. We are the game changers aligned, centred and ‘shaping what is to come’. I’m joining you in this