This Week’s Quotation:

When it comes to physical things, you can draw concise and accurate diagrams of what it is you are describing. When it comes to building a house, you can draw up the architectural plans and get the carpenter and plumber and everybody else to follow the plans. When it comes to spiritual things, that’s not so easy. We can draw diagrams, but the diagrams are diagramming something that is unseen. We can use metaphors and parables and symbols and stories to say something about the unseen; we can give it names. But people have to find it for themselves.

~ Becoming a Sun p. 290

Fully Present

Lana Roach
Lana Roach, Attunement Practitioner, and Reiki Master Teacher

Have you ever had a profound spiritual experience and struggled to convey the beauty, the majesty, the awe that was present to another person? I can relate! Sometimes I feel like if the person could just understand what happened, their eyes would open too! It feels as though words could never fully express the depth of what I experienced in that moment.

I could try my best to describe what I experienced in the unseen realm, but as that last line in the quote points out, “people have to find it for themselves.” This rings so true. The spiritual dimension isn’t something we can explain like a recipe or map out with instructions. It’s an experience, and just like love, joy, or deep peace, it must be lived and felt.

Words fall like scattered leaves, trying to capture the wind of spiritual experience, but the truth is—no matter how vivid our descriptions—there remains an essence that words can never truly touch. It’s like trying to describe the feeling of sunlight on your face in the early morning—gentle, warm, full of promise. You could try to explain it to someone, but until they’ve stood in that golden light themselves, words remain a poor substitute.

In the end, we can hear the stories of others, read about their experiences, and even feel inspired by them. But to truly know, we must each walk that path ourselves, with our own unique steps.

The unseen isn’t far away—it is always right here, waiting for us to turn our awareness to it. In those moments of presence, we are no longer separated from the spiritual. We are swimming in it, breathing it, living it.

Perhaps this is what spiritual awakening is: the simple, profound act of being fully present to what has always been there.

What does it mean to become a sun?

Every human being is already a sun on the inside—a being of intense love and light. The difference is that some people have the vision and courage to become a sun on the outside. This difference is our human destiny.

4 Responses

  1. HI Lana, Yes, words cannot describe fully the experience of what Spirit from the invisible is like. We need to each have our own experience and trust in the Unseen. I am fully with you in this and love your use of the experience of feeling the caress of sunlight on one’s face. Excellent. Thank you/wish you/for you/love you. Tom C.

  2. “In the end, we can hear the stories of others, read about their experiences, and even feel inspired by them. But to truly know, we must each walk that path ourselves, with our own unique steps.”

    So true – and we do all need to find it for ourselves – thank you!!!

  3. Many decades ago when I was still searching for the meaning of life, I finally discovered that I was the very thing I was looking for. My own Presence is enough, and you have emphasized this so clearly, Lana, in your words.

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