This Week’s Quotation:

Closest to you are your own thoughts and feelings and your own physical awareness. Moving through this inmost aspect of your creative field is your own life energy—your spirit—ebbing and flowing through thought and feeling and through your physical body. You have the remarkable ability to change how your energy flows by opening new levels of awareness in your thoughts and feelings. No doubt you have experimented with that ability, noticing how you experience life energy differently, depending on what you choose to think and say and do.

~ Becoming a Sun p. 22

Increasing Life Energy

Gary Goodhue,
Spiritual Teacher, Workshop Leader

Thought, word, and deed are the three primary forms of expression for our creative capacities. They represent the mental, emotional, and physical realms of being.

Our thoughts are causal, our words are creative, and our behavior shapes our lives. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. These are all intrinsically connected. What you think affects how you feel which will manifest in your words and actions.

Life energy flows through these capacities according to the quality of the consciousness that is being exercised through these faculties. Discovering the quality of what you are thinking, speaking, or doing happens from observing the degree of love that is being transmitted through these forms of expression.

Are your thoughts, words, and deeds being used to express love? By giving your power of awareness to this question, you can begin to assess and determine whether or not this is true for you from moment to moment. If not, then you can actually begin to think more loving thoughts about yourself, others, and your world. As you do this, you will notice that you will naturally have more loving feelings, say more loving words, and do more loving things.

Your life energy—your spirit—is directly connected to the energy of love. Love opens up space for greater connection to the spiritual substance that can move through your mind, heart, and body. Intuition and inspiration improve, character strengthens, and there is greater health and vitality available. The quotient of love we let in is reflected in our thoughts, words, and deeds.

What does it mean to become a sun?

Every human being is already a sun on the inside—a being of intense love and light. The difference is that some people have the vision and courage to become a sun on the outside. This difference is our human destiny.

2 Responses

  1. Gary – so special and beautifully put – thank you – “What you think affects how you feel which will manifest in your words and actions.” What a wonderful reminder to watch our thoughts, on a regular basis! Warmly, Katie

  2. You ask the question: “Are your thoughts, words, and deeds being used to express love?” A resounding YES! And I’ve been doing it to the highest of my awareness for 55 years. No more need for introspection and self-analysis. Love flows abundantly to every person and every circumstance that comes to me and moves out from there to bless my world. I know the same can be said of you!

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