This Week’s Quotation:

There are people around the world who are celebrating a different kind of cloud; because while humanity has a legacy that has produced the dark cloud, there is also another kind of legacy of our spiritual ancestors—men and women of true integrity down through the ages, who have refused to live out of the human energy field as it has been.

There have been people of every generation who have said, “No I’m going to make a different choice in my life. I’m going to generate a cloud that carries the positive creative energy, which is the most real thing about me.” Living out of that cloud brings something glorious in living, something that brings fulfillment.    

~ Becoming a Sun, p. 65-66

Radiant Clouds of Possibility

Jane Anetrini, Doctor of Chiropractic. She assists people in finding their own inner wisdom, strength, and vitality.

In a world filled with stories of violence and dishonesty, it can seem we are sunk! Why bother? Let’s find a beach and have a margarita.   

But I have learned two important things. One is that the dark cloud that we feel is the result of human choices. It is the natural outcome of separation and denial of the Source of our being. It is the result of self-centered greed and fear. The second thing is that there is another cloud!

Each time I clear my mind and heart and take a deep breath, I touch the radiant cloud of possibility. I sense the source of my being, the very animating force of my life. How about you? Have you felt blessed to know the miracle of life?

We can spend a lot of time wrestling with the darkness, trying to fix it, or even just protecting ourselves from it. It may be wise to find healthy places to be (like outside in the fresh air) or to turn off the daily news. But at times I ask myself, Rather than stopping something or worrying about that darkness, what can I do to contribute and bless?

As the quote says, we have a lineage of ancestors who knew about that option and helped create radiant clouds. Let us be part of that legacy.

I want to do that with you and anyone who’s had enough of the dark. Let us contribute to the radiant clouds and change the world.

What does it mean to become a sun?

Every human being is already a sun on the inside—a being of intense love and light. The difference is that some people have the vision and courage to become a sun on the outside. This difference is our human destiny.

2 Responses

  1. Thanks for the Radiant Light you bring, Jane. And the way I see it, we are not here to somehow escape from the darkness, but to bring Light into the darkness. That is why I deliberately confront the darkness in the world by engaging with the news media every day. Humanity is One, and the world’s darkness is my darkness. Shining my Light into it, not running away from it, is my spiritual work, and I suspect it is your work as well.

  2. So beautifully put Jane – as the statement that started circulating some time ago states – We are the Ones we have been waiting for. And no one said it would be easy – but we do know it is necessary for all of us to step up now and forever. Many blessings….

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