This Week’s Quotation:

If you see someone as outside of you, it probably seems difficult to hold consistent positive thoughts. From that perspective, it is impossible. When you understand that the people and circumstances of your life are living within your consciousness, your innate ability to surround them with compassion and understanding kicks in.

~ Becoming a Sun p. 53

The Depth of Oneness

Lana Roach
Lana Roach, Attunement Practitioner, and Reiki Master Teacher

This passage speaks volumes about the power of interconnectedness.

For a long time, this concept of oneness and interconnection resonated with me on an intuitive level. I’d repeat it, feeling a sense of truth, but it lacked depth. It was like a seed needing fertile ground to germinate. This quote, like sunlight and water, nurtured that seed.

The truth is, we are all connected by the same life force energy. This realization dawns slowly, maturing our perspective. Suddenly, the impatient driver who cuts you off isn’t just an annoyance, but a reflection of a shared human experience. We’ve all felt frustration, anger, and the struggle to express our emotions healthily.

This deeper understanding fosters grace. We forgive ourselves for moments of ignorance or unkindness, extending that same forgiveness to others. We recognize the vast range of emotions inherent in the human condition. We are all on this journey together, sharing this precious experience.

When centered in this truth, negativity towards others loses its appeal. Our desire becomes to radiate peace, to share the connection and love we feel within. Imagine a child throwing a tantrum. Wouldn’t you offer calm understanding, a reflection of the emotional maturity they’ll develop over time, rather than mirroring their chaos?

This shift in perspective, from seeing others as separate to interconnected beings, is a powerful practice. It fosters compassion, understanding, and ultimately, a more peaceful world for us all.

What does it mean to become a sun?

Every human being is already a sun on the inside—a being of intense love and light. The difference is that some people have the vision and courage to become a sun on the outside. This difference is our human destiny.

2 Responses

  1. This is beautiful – I am always so grateful for Ho’o’ponoopono for example – to help keep the doorway open to releasing the vicissitudes of life. As a psychologist and just living life – we know that people may behave in ways that can feel useful to them – or provide a way to advance their own lives without regard to others – however – it is more of a blessing to be able to forgive and ultimately forget – in order to live a life of inner freedom and inner peace. We are ultimately all One!

  2. I’m sorry I am a bit late in responding to this beautiful blog, Lana. You describe so well the Oneness that is characteristic of the emerging spiritual body on earth. How much more engaging and generative life becomes when I see others not as separate but as a part of who I am. Your article is a celebration of Oneness and I am totally with you in bringing this to the world.

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