This Week’s Quotation:

Your spirit is intrinsically tied to what is happening all over the world. You can choose not to be aware of it, but it matters to you what is happening around this world. You will feel it. If there is a hardship in Australia or in China, you feel it. When nuclear power plants in Japan leak, your world is affected. When something happened on 9/11 in New York City, people felt it around the world. Why? Because it was happening in their spiritual domain. Because, in truth, we are that large.

~ Becoming a Sun p. 122

We Love as One

Maria Zayas, Teacher, and counselor of the heart and soul.

The largeness of our Being may feel daunting at times. So much to do, so much to think about!

Yet, as we touch into the source of our Being, the source of our largeness, our perspective changes and we become aware that we are not alone in our largeness, in our sense of responsibility as a conscious member of the family of Beings that populate our world.

We are all One Being, and we live with One Love. It is the love of the unbroken line of our human and spiritual lineage which expresses through each one of us in every moment.

Can you feel the strength in that knowing? Can you feel yourself as one in the many that hold space for the ongoing creative unfoldment of our world? Embracing this spiritual and human family and community is thrilling to me!

There is magic to being present in our own unique place in life, along with all the others who are present in their own unique place in life. Suddenly, we all sense our own largeness and the largeness of the whole, and it is good. We are at Home in a loving family that spans time and space, and our love radiates out to touch and warm every particle of our world. No longer does it feel daunting. It feels like a privilege to be part of such beauty and love.

Let us embrace our place and let us embrace the whole. Let the Love of our individual and collective Suns radiate the healing power of their Light!

What does it mean to become a sun?

Every human being is already a sun on the inside—a being of intense love and light. The difference is that some people have the vision and courage to become a sun on the outside. This difference is our human destiny.

2 Responses

  1. MARIA wrote:

    Let us embrace our place and let us embrace the whole. Let the Love of our individual and collective Suns radiate the healing power of their Light!

    TOM replied: Amen! Love, Tom

  2. I am so glad for this emphasis on the Whole and how we are each one with the whole human family, that what is happening in Rome, Paris, Sudan, Russia and Israel is at some level happening in me and I am one with the people involved and have opportunity in working with this creative field in my own consciousness to call the world home to the Truth of Love, the Truth of Being. Thanks for being with me in this avenue of service, Maria!

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