Berkley, California has always been a mystery to me. Radical student politics in the 60s… The home of U.C. Berkley. Somehow part of the whole Bay Area scene… Beyond that, I had no idea.

The mystery was revealed last weekend. Turns out, it is a highly-priced, slightly quaint, sometimes slightly worn-down-looking California town on the other side of the Bay Bridge from San Francisco.
My colleague, Rachel Morrison, and I had the opportunity to stay with Barbara Marx Hubbard in Berkeley and participate in a visioning session for the Planetary Mission. Yes, THE ONE AND ONLY, Planetary Mission!

I’m not a pessimistic person, but there are large issues facing this planet – financial instability, political dysfunction, global warming and still, the nuclear threat, to name a few. And yet, our crisis is a birth.
One of the stories Barbara told during our time was of the moon launch in 1969. All of NASA was focused on the mission. A janitor was asked, “What is your job as a janitor?” His answer? “To bring them home alive.” It was a testament to the mission-focused awareness of every person at NASA.
As we spoke about the Planetary Mission, we used an evolution of NASA’s motto. Bring us forward alive! It is clear to me that we – all of humanity – are facing a gateway… a choice… a hero’s journey. And we can only face it together. By the very nature of the issues we face, there is no individual victory. There is no individual victory to financial collapse, global warming, or nuclear war. It is clear to me that a self-seeking orientation disqualifies us from contributing to or participating in our forward movement. We need a vision and a template that takes us into a new future – a thriving future that takes us past the limitations of our current way of being on this planet.
Our crisis is a birth. Barbara must have uttered these words at least ten time during the day we spent together. We are facing an initiation into a new way of being, a new relationship with each other and with the planet. It is too bad that we, as human beings, don’t simply leap from victory to victory, without any setbacks or tragedy that spur us on our way. But the reality is that for most people it takes a crisis. Some kind of challenge that demands change.
If all we see is the challenge, we are not likely to thrive. We won’t participate in the new birth because that takes a conscious choice. And if we don’t see the choice, we won’t make it.
There were 13 of us brainstorming together. How can we bring the possibility of a new birth to the world? How can we bring us all forward alive? These were the burning questions we sought to answer.
One of the simplest, yet most profound things we can do is to publicize all the people around the world who are modeling the conscious choice to act in enlightened ways in service to our collective future. There seems to be no end of news from the mainstream media that tells us about all the wars, disasters, crime and divisiveness in the world. We decided to get behind Barbara’s effort to create an Office of the Future at the United Nations whose goal would be to track and publicize the enlightened efforts of people around the world. There is real interest at the United Nations in setting up such an office.
Sunrise Ranch , where I live and work in Loveland, Colorado, is a teaching and demonstration for such enlightened efforts. We are demonstrating what it is like for a community of 100 people to live and work together on the basis of caring for each other and living a life of service. We are demonstrating what it means to steward the natural world and to make enlightened us of technology. And we host and promote brilliant teachers who are showing what the new birth looks like in many facets of the human experience.

Here is something we can all do to bring us forward alive. Find the most enlightened way to conduct ourselves in our own lives. That takes some thought. And some willingness to do things differently than we have been doing them before. Then share what we are doing, and the new thought behind it, with other people.
Coming home from Berkley, I was elated. I’ve been sharing that elation with anyone who would listen. Some got it. Others, not so much.
Meanwhile, the daily events of my own life carry on. I’m still making a cheese omelet for breakfast, walking the dog, and answering e-mails. Through this mundane daily sacrament, I am on a planetary mission.
How about you?
David Karchere
Dear Friends, I too have been pondering on the state of “play”! as it presents itself now. I don’t think we can “do” anything, I find myself ever further into “Being” the star, the Light that I AM. If that is so, I cannot contribute anything other than Love and Compassion to the Lights that I encounter in my daily life; we are all lights, just some of us are not switched on to varying degrees. The more we shine and that means not dis – crediting others even though we can see that many are dull and mediocre; the more the Light and Love will increase. In physically aging, I find myself more and more in love with “All that Is” An extensive and vast subject! Blessings, Margaret.
Thank you for this. Particularly today, as my peers and I are poised to watch a pivotal presidential debate that has been publicized more as a soap opera or bullfight than an opportunity for leaders to sell us their skills and hopes. You have reminded me of a commitment to consciousness and light that I’d temporarily forgotten.
Never before in history have we had the capability as educated awakening love transmitting organisms (love that!) to connect heart to heart with so many like hearted people on this crazy planet.
And likewise never has it been easier to spread ‘shadow-state’ fear and paranoia in larger circles of negativity.
I welcome this intention, David, so deeply. To bring our better selves to a larger community and invite and inspire pacify and enrich those who need a little more love to change their own paths.
Indeed. Agreed. And All My Relations. Aho.
What you are sharing here, David, adds such energy and inspiration to what we can each do to bring the possibility of a new birth to the world. An Office of the Future, tracking and publisizing enlightened efforts! Making it visible in the world, the transformation which is already happening, in so many, many ways!
Dear David, I feel we are creating a new heaven every time we are in tune with our spirit guide, putting out unconditional love so our world may blossom under such a love vibration. I know we can do much more to co-create together and allow our individual current to amplify under the presence of the many in tune with this love force. Sunrise Ranch is an example of such a place, allowing the individual differences to dissolve and letting the collective union under the current of love to take place. Thank you for this inspiring leadership you offer your world to be transform under your benevolent passion for true life. One with You, Michel
Thank you, David. I have a deep ‘knowing’ that it has been divinely guided for all to be in life on this planet at this time. We could never realize our soul’s potential if we were not faced with the challenges that are presented to us. Now we shall find out who we truly are as we walk together on this path of ascension. I feel truly blessed to be a part of this journey.
Planetary Mission is our work. We are a portion of manifest Oneness in wholeness of being,. Physical manifestions in realization, . We are here, now… hands, heart, intelligence of Our Pkantary Mission. So be it.
David it is great to have this Planetary Mission and to be in it with you. A call to bring forth my Divine Spirit from within expressing my love to the highest of my ability. That still small voice within knows the right-use-ness for every situation I find myself in. The illusion will dissolve as we bring the Truth that awaits us at the seat of our souls. Great works to do.