I have just returned from a 19-day trip to Norway, England and Wales. It was wonderful to spend time with my traveling mates, Ruth Buckingham and Phil Richardson. 

I had the opportunity to meet many kindred spirits, some for the first time. Greetings to everyone we spent time with!

Kari Bye hosted us in Voss, Norway. This is the fourth time we have visited Voss, and I feel our connection with this amazing land and culture deepening.

Kari is a real connector, bringing people together from many backgrounds. As we arrived, the local paper printed an article celebrating Kari’s vision for Voss. She sees it becoming a meeting place for people interested in personal development and sustainable cultural development.

Kari Bye

I offered an evening talk in Voss that was a theme for this tour: 7 Simple Steps to Emotional Intelligence. I also led a Healing Chant workshop. With Ruth, we used the workshop to further develop the practice of Healing Chant to include the attunement of an individual, supported by the chant of a surrounding circle of people.

Kari and I led people on a Pilgrim Walk through pathways and farmlands that have been used for centuries.


Following the events in Voss, we travelled to Birmingham, England, to join Brian Perry for another evening talk, and then went to Mangreen, near Norwich, where William and Naomi Duffield hosted us for a public talk, a day-long workshop and a session of Healing Chant. A highlight of our time was a visit to Norwich Cathedral.                                                                                           

Norwich CathedralFrom Norwich, we drove across Great Britain to Pembrokeshire, in Wales. This is one of my favorite parts of the world! It is on the coast with great granite cliffs overlooking the Irish Sea.

A new friend, Gail Stewart, joined me to lead our Healing Chant session in Llanrhian, Wales. Gail is a gifted sound healer and singer from Cardiff who used chimes, a gong and singing bowls to attune the participants.

St. David’s Head, Wales


Much thanks to Don and Jayne MacGregor, who hosted us in Wales. Don is the author of a book, Blue Sky God, that sheds the light of contemporary science on the original teachings of Jesus. Their kindness and friendship touches my heart.


The last stop on our tour was Malvern, in Worstershire. Tessa Maskell hosted us for a Healing Chant workshop in the Church of the Ascension. The acoustics were marvelous—a four-second reverberation. It was a deeply meaningful time for us.


As we drove in the area around Malvern, we enjoyed bluebells in bloom.

A high point of the Healing Chant sessions was a session in which the women sat in a circle, chanted to by a circle of standing men. The women named some of the issues that they are aware of for women, and then allowed the men to offer a spirit of radiant blessing through their chant. We then reversed the process, with the men sitting in the middle surrounded by the women. I believe we have few opportunities in our culture to engage in such profound spiritual intimacy as men and women without the encumbrances of personality that so often come with it.

Attunement Event May 16

It is good to be home at Sunrise Ranch before I leave again for another short trip. I am travelling today to Edenvale Retreat and Conference Center, outside of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, for some board sessions and an Enlightened Thinking workshop this Sunday, May 15th. Then, on May 16th, I’ll be offering an evening talk, Attunement and Healing Chant in Kamloops, British Columbia, hosted by Marilyn Manderson.

Click here for more event information.

Becoming A Sun Workshop

We are still planning events in Europe for October 2016 and for spring 2017. At Sunrise Ranch, I’ll be facilitating a four-day workshop with Keahi Ewa based on my book, Becoming a Sun: Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence for a Happy and Fulfilling Life. I’ve led this same workshop in South Australia and Cape Town, South Africa. It was a powerful, uplifting time for us all. And I am so looking forward to conducting this at Sunrise.

Click here to learn more about the workshop.


Primal Spirituality

Thank you for your interest in primal spirituality—the spirituality that we were born with, and the reality that inspired all true spiritual paths and religions.






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