I’ve just returned from a powerful workshop at Glen Ivy Center, taught by Bernie Prior and me: Realize the New Dawn. It was a time of moving into the deep of consciousness that is within us and landing that awareness in our life experience.

I first met Bernie last year in San Francisco. He teaches a moving meditation practice called The Form. I experience something through The Form that I have sensed was possible for a long time—the invocation of profound inner awareness through simple movements of the body. Bernie is a master at that kind of invocation and I really appreciate what he has developed.

As part of the weekend, I had the opportunity to play music with Bernie. We improvised well, me on the guitar and Bernie playing the Native American flute.

I was introduced to Bernie through Todd and Lisa Lockhead, who are fast becoming good friends. Todd and Lisa live in Bristol, England, where they lead the E-Aware Center for endocrine health. They both traveled to Sunrise Ranch, where we have been exploring new frontiers of awareness and planning an event we are holding in Bristol on May 18.

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