This Week’s Quotation:

The test of heart and soul comes, of our courage to be true to ourselves, in many ways. This was a huge test in my life. It demanded that I think for myself—that I ponder deeply the ethics of a circumstance based on my highest values in the face of the mob psychology that had taken over. It demanded that I reach my own conclusions and then act on them. It required me to show up in my life as who I am —at the moment of crisis and in the days to come, regardless of the outcome. And in this case, it required grieving a loss as a result before a new opportunity came along.

Courage is a habit. When you discover that you can live your life being true to yourself, nothing else will do.

Becoming a Sun, p. 258

Courage to Pave the Way

Is there an opportunity for you to bring a higher way of being that would go against the turmoil in the world and bring attention to yourself—becoming the tall poppy and possibly being ridiculed? I see this as a shining opportunity to free oneself from the gravitational pull of the mob mentality and tread a new path, a new way of being.

Sometimes, I am eager to express a higher way of being, yet I know it won’t land. Instead, it will turn into a battle to defend myself, We’re right. You’re wrong. How dare you go against the stream! Showing up in life as who I am means showing up without regard to what is happening or how it will be perceived, and this treads a new path that others can follow if they choose.

My experience of doing this initially took a TON of courage, knowing that those around me may no longer resonate with our connection. Will I lose these connections? Well, I am here to say “Yes!” Yes, your relationships and how you relate to your world will change, and that is the opportunity. Those who resonate with this new path of being will be naturally attracted to you, and your world will shift and come into a new alignment in unimaginable ways. What a gift, eh?!

My invitation to you, dear reader, is to free yourself; in that, you will free those around you and the world around you. Let’s pave the way to a new world together!

What does it mean to become a sun?

Every human being is already a sun on the inside—a being of intense love and light. The difference is that some people have the vision and courage to become a sun on the outside. This difference is our human destiny.

7 Responses

  1. Many thanks, to you Keahi and of course to David for the quote. FULL AGREEMENT. If you look closely at the picture, please note that what has once asphalt has become a MAGIC CARPET! So it can be … Love, Tom C.

  2. Thank-you Keahi. There is a choice in every situation to stand up for the truth that I am. To be courageous and at the same time enfold whoever is present in the truth that I am seeing. Free from attachment & coming from my deep connection of love for god, others & myself. In this place I can be present for whatever is there to happen for myself and others, my work is to resonate with the truth in myself and others free to just be who we each can be in the moment. Whether others connect with this or not I need to be present to without judgement in unconditional love to see more and more what is present and waiting to come forward because I am there available for a higher purpose that I am realising through my living. My courage is to let go with love when this needs to happen & continue to open up for the next steps ahead!

  3. Courage is absolutely essential to our spiritual work, as you bring out Keahi. Human consciousness is so cluttered with ignorance and distortion that reaction to what we bring is inevitable. Yet we must still have the courage to bring it!

  4. Thank you for drawing attention to this great truth. I find that as I stand in thankfulness for the truth which reveals itself in the present moment, comes calm and assurance to walk in the simple way. It seems hardly possible to love it enough.

  5. Thank You Keahi and David

    Courage sound like a strong word, like I /you need to standup to the world who dont understand you/ me
    I dont I cant violate the place where I come from,
    I can be gentle in courage with a listening Heart and a Clear mind
    To be myself is the only place I can be, in relation to people and situations,using my intuition and perception.
    To be an artist in creation in everyday life in words poems deads and interactions.
    As I go sometimes through the valey of death, I do my work I dont fear evil.

    Love Irene

  6. This is so beautiful and so powerful – courage is so critical to our lives and opens the doors to our being able to give all we have to give to each other. Thank you

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