This Week’s Quotation:
Imagine for a moment that you were the creator of the universe. What possible reason could you have had for creating it? Imagine living somewhere in the realm of the infinite and the eternal, thinking about the possibility of creating stars, nebula, dark matter, and light. Think about creating Planet Earth with forests and seas, beasts of all kinds, and even people.
What reason could there be for creating it all, other than your own pleasure and fulfillment? The pleasure of the creative process and the fulfillment of embodying something wonderful in living form. What joy unspeakable to create a universe singing with your cosmic energy! What a pleasure to create a world on this planet, with a biosphere that sustains so many remarkable species of life! And what fulfillment to be able to incarnate in the space-time continuum as a human being!
~ Becoming a Sun p. 277
Creator’s Fulfillment

I went to Chiropractic school 47 years ago because I heard and believed the words, “God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” (Genesis 1:31) I believed we were designed to be whole and healthy and when we are not we could eliminate the interference and find wholeness again.
There is another quote hanging on my office wall, “The power that made the body heals the body. It happens no other way”
While we live in a physical world that has an impact on our physical bodies we are also still connected to that creative nature that David speaks about in this quote.
There is pleasure and fulfillment in embodying something wonderful in living form. A creative life. A home. A meal. A friendship. We are designed to create just as the creator did when this world was created. It is our most basic nature and I believe brings joy and pleasure back to the one who created us and this world from the beginning.
What does it mean to become a sun?
Every human being is already a sun on the inside—a being of intense love and light. The difference is that some people have the vision and courage to become a sun on the outside. This difference is our human destiny.
4 Responses
There is another quote hanging on my office wall, “The power that made the body heals the body. It happens no other way”
Such an important understanding for us all!!!! Thank you.
HI Jane, Yes, I feel exactly as you have expressed above and has David K. has expressed in the book BECOMING A SUN. And noting your chiropractic reference, I also fully support the spirit behind GPC, B.J. and D.D. Palmer, “that something,” the “big fellow within”, that which created the body heals the body, and that wonderful approach to LIFE. In that vein it is great to make certain that any subluxations of my Spirit are fully adjusted that I may express God-on-Earth without interference. Like you, I love what David Karchere wrote and, to anyone who may be reading this, I recommend the book BECOMING A SUN referenced in Jane’s writing and also the course prublicized at this site. Like David, Jane is wonderful spiritual leader I love, trust, and back in every way I can think of … As we said in the 70s “right on!” and I say now in the 20’s “Write on!” Love, Tom
Thank you for sharing your thoughts Jane. Human beings tend to believe that God created the world for man’s pleasure. That is the self-centered view. David speaks of the deep pleasure of the Creator in whose image and likeness man was made. In His Divine magnanimity it is His pleasure to give us the kingdom so that He might experience more fully the pleasure/joy of His Creation. And man is not excluded from experiencing pleasure but I don’t believe that is why the world (or man) was created. If we are to reach spiritual maturity our focus needs to be on giving pleasure to the Creator instead of vice versa.
There is nothing so enjoyable and fulfilling as creating and bringing the gifts that we are uniquely here to bring into the world of form. Thanks for your beautiful reminder of this, Jane and David.