This Week’s Quotation:
Mind and emotion are the components of consciousness that are the connection between the physical and the spiritual. So your thinking and feeling can connect your physical experience—what you are doing and saying in the world—with the spiritual, instead of separating your physical experience from it. When you have a clear awareness of the spiritual, you are empowered by the fire that comes from your fusion with that reality and you have the motivation to act. Your devoted service to the infinite and eternal reality within all Creation gives you fire in the belly.
Becoming a Sun, p. 148
Empowerment in the Highest

I believe we dance between two extremely different experiences of empowerment throughout our entire lives. One is founded in our mortal humanity and one is founded in our eternal Spirit. This dance is a major factor in the quality of life we choose, whether conscious or unconscious, empowerment in service, or empowerment in self-fulfilling deeds to meet self-serving needs.
As a teenager, I longed for the authority to make my own decisions, believing I knew what was best. Not relatable at all right? While my mental and emotional capacities were doing their best to relate to the physical, I was missing an important piece, a connection to a largeness of Being, the largeness of reality.
Without this connection, we do all we can to appease our mental, emotional, and physical capacities yet nothing is ever enough. Once we open our capacities to the truth of our being we light up and then naturally bring gifts to our world, in service instead of expectation.
Looking at our patterns of being and changing them we gift ourselves forgiveness and understanding, freeing our capacities to get turned on in ways never before experienced. I want more of this kind of empowerment, do you?
What an amazing adventure we have to truly empower ourselves, and in that, empower our world to join us, No worries, I get it, and let’s open higher together!
What does it mean to become a sun?
Every human being is already a sun on the inside—a being of intense love and light. The difference is that some people have the vision and courage to become a sun on the outside. This difference is our human destiny.
3 Responses
Keahi wrote: “Looking at our patterns of being and changing them we gift ourselves forgiveness and understanding, freeing our capacities to get turned on in ways never before experienced. I want more of this kind of empowerment, do you?”
Tom replied: Yes, I DO! Self-forgiveness and understanding are so important. Thank you, Keahi. Also to anyone reading this, I strongly recommend the on-line BECOMING A SUN course and the CREATIVE FIELD project publicized on this site. Love to all, Tom C.
You have offered the keys to authentic empowerment, Keahi. As you put it: “Once we open our capacities to the truth of our being we light up and then naturally bring gifts to our world.” My primary interest is world service and this is exactly how it is effectively done.
A beautiful perspective that you are sharing! Yes l am opening myself up to a higher perspective. This is what I envision. There is a new way to see and feel the world and what I am living. In being forgiving of myself and letting all that I am engaged in to just slow down and in calmenes observe myself. I can see things with a fresh perspective. I have always felt a greater purpose was avaliable to me. To see myself as I truly am in the moment not from past conditioning or from people’s expectations but from the beauty and wonder that life is offering me in every moment. This is freedom for me to be fully who i am. It is great to share in this expeirence and recieve the words you are sharing that the people of the world can be inspired with the expanded possibilities that we each can bring to this planet that we share together.