This Week’s Quotation:
Truly spiritual people are not only seeking a spiritual experience. They are having a spiritual experience, and they are embodying that experience as fully as possible in their lives. They are building a body of love. Our human soul cries out for the spirit to enter consciousness fully and express through thought, feeling, word, and action. The Being who is the truth of who you are longs to enter your soul and to enter the world in which you live.
~ Becoming a Sun p. 265
Opening the Window to the Light Within

There is a magnetic longing in all Beings to commune with others in creative exchange. Can you feel it within yourself?
Does your heart, and every part of you, yearn to know the deepest part of yourself and others?
We have all experienced that unmistakable moment when we know we have touched the essence of love that holds the magic of creation—of transformation. That essence lives in our own heart and in the heart and soul of each one of us and shines a light brighter than any humanly produced light. It is the light of the spirit, the light of our inner sun.
In moments of darkness and despair, we may forget what we know. We may even be afraid of what we know. This is when we can call on our yearning, our courage, and our faith to take us by the hand and touch the ineffable within us.
That spark of our inner sun can power the fireworks we feel when we sense something new and powerful, and even miraculous, is at hand. As we open our inner windows to let spirit enter our consciousness fully, amazing things are manifested. Holding this space of love with others in Beloved Community allows all things to be made new and return to their innate beauty.
Let us welcome the power that enters us through sacred, creative exchange, moving through us as an embodied fountain of light that invites an ever-flowing stream of renewal in ourselves, our loved ones, and our Beloved Community.
What does it mean to become a sun?
Every human being is already a sun on the inside—a being of intense love and light. The difference is that some people have the vision and courage to become a sun on the outside. This difference is our human destiny.
4 Responses
Let all things be new!!!! Yes!!!!
Maria concluded: “Let us welcome the power that enters us through sacred, creative exchange, moving through us as an embodied fountain of light that invites an ever-flowing stream of renewal in ourselves, our loved ones, and our Beloved Community.” So well put. Let’s do this and “let’s” begins with “let me”. thank you, Maria.
I also appreciate that other venues for expanding this statement are offered such as the on-line workshop , the book BECOMING A SUN, and Attunement training. I really recommend all these opportunities which are publicized here. Love, Tom C.
You have written beautifully, Maria, of the reason why we incarnated in physical form on earth: to let the “embodied fountain of light” that we are shine brilliantly in our living. Let us beware of attempting to capture that light with concepts and belief systems developed by the human mind. When this happens the window begins to close and the light dims. Hands off! Just let it shine!
Thank you Maria, your and David Karchere’s words land like ‘fireworks’ in my heart,
‘Let us welcome the power that enters us through sacred, creative exchange, moving through us as an embodied fountain of light that invites an ever-flowing stream of renewal in ourselves, our loved ones, and our Beloved Community.’
I join you in this sacred, creative exchange now.
love, Anne-Lise