This Week’s Quotation:
One of the most ancient symbols of what it is to be a human being is the cross of life. It appears in many forms through ancient cultures, long before Christianity.
So in its simplest form, the cross is a horizontal line symbolizing our human capacity that exists in the world of space and time, intersected by a vertical line representing the animating power of the universal that gives us life.
~ Becoming a Sun p. 202
The Cross of Life

Spiritual Teacher, Workshop Leader
Which are we: human beings having a spiritual experience or spiritual beings having a human experience?
Did you jump to your answer? Many people will quickly claim it is one and not the other. The truth is that we are both.
We are Being itself. We are energy beings, cosmic beings, spiritual beings, and human beings. We are both mortal and divine, all at the same time. The truth of that is known by a person only as they become aware of themselves beyond the temporal body and experience their sense of eternal being beyond the physical. Knowing this comes from the experience of it.
We can all easily agree that we exist in a physical body in a world of time and space. We know this human reality where our outer experiences extend out horizontally with the ability to connect to others in the material plane. The vertical line represents the ascending and descending scale of dimensional realities into the infinite realms of light where we can have inner experiences of other points of consciousness beyond the physical.
The ancient symbol of the cross of life, or the Sun Cross, reminds us that we have two lines of reality or dimensions of experience available to us. We are both human beings having a spiritual experience and spiritual beings having a human experience. We can move horizontally outward into the outer worlds of matter and form to have a human experience. Also, we can move vertically inward into the higher worlds of mind and essence to have a spiritual experience.
What does it mean to become a sun?
Every human being is already a sun on the inside—a being of intense love and light. The difference is that some people have the vision and courage to become a sun on the outside. This difference is our human destiny.
3 Responses
Yes, Gary, we exist both as human personalities and spiritual beings. But given the deplorable state of humanity on earth, to me it is evident that the majority of human beings never fully acknowledge and connect with the Spiritual Reality that they innately are. The human being may occasionally, perhaps with the aid of religion, try to have a spiritual experience, but the only way a solid connection can be made is as the Reality is given expression in living.
Beautifully put Gary – what a great reminder that yes – one might look at the cross from the perspective of death and arising – or – from heart and soul, look at it from the perspective of humanity expanding and arising in Love, Light, Caring and Holy Dimensions. Blessings, All
Thanks Gary, so important to connect the presence of our spiritual nature with our physical presence. (The vertical line that you describe). There is a deep connection between these 2 parts that live within us avaliable to be discovered and be experienced in every moment of our living. At the same time there is the horizontal line an experience between our heart and mind we are actively living daily. All 4 components are there for us to engage in. Each of these capacities, is helpful for me to be present to, in the living of my life. It is helpful for myself and for others that i am in relationship with so that we can share in the extraordinary ability that we each have to grow in the face of the great challenges that the world presents to us!