This Week’s Quotation:
When you have done your best, when you have given all that is yours to give, when you have taken the action that is yours to take, how things turn out is how they turn out, and what other people do is what other people do, whatever it is. You have done your part in seeing something all the way through. You have done your part in manifesting what is potential for the world.
Becoming a Sun p. 132
When You Have Done Your Best

Author, Becoming a Sun
Are you the kind of person who isn’t happy with yourself if you haven’t done your best?
I am.
I’m not talking about just making an effort. I’m not talking about trying. I’m talking about doing all I can to let what is happening in my life come to some kind of happy fulfillment.
It could be a project, a relationship, a business endeavor, or a community of people. Whatever it is, I’m not happy with myself if I don’t do what I am capable of doing to let it come around right.
And still… Things don’t always go the way I think they should. (Just noticing that now!) They don’t always come to the kind of fulfillment that I might have hoped for. What do I do then?
Here’s what I’ve learned. Part of doing your best is not only about the action you take. It is your gratitude for what is unfolding exactly as it is now. Your pleasure and happiness are essential to the flourishing of your world, even when the course of events takes an unexpected left turn. Even when what is transpiring is still half-baked. And it is way easier to be content with what is when you know you are doing your best.
What does it mean to become a sun?
Every human being is already a sun on the inside—a being of intense love and light. The difference is that some people have the vision and courage to become a sun on the outside. This difference is our human destiny.
3 Responses
Yes. I hear you David. The gratitude is so necessary when all has been done with passion and effectiveness – and yet it is not received – or not competitive with other athletes, business competitors, authors, and so forth. We still move onward and upward and give thanks. I so appreciate that reminder. Love always, Tom
Thank you! Just what I needed to hear today 💕
I love this – because ‘Doing the Right Thing’ can be tricky as different people have different views on what that means……
Here’s what I’ve learned. Part of doing your best is not only about the action you take. It is your gratitude for what is unfolding exactly as it is now. Your pleasure and happiness are essential to the flourishing of your world, even when the course of events takes an unexpected left turn. Even when what is transpiring is still half-baked. And it is way easier to be content with what is when you know you are doing your best.