Life Destiny Immersion
Sunrise Ranch, Loveland, Colorado
July 11–12, 2014
This seminar is an exploration of what is most important to you and an opportunity to allow your passion to shape the direction of your life.
Every person has a sense of being special and unique, and the feeling that their life has some purpose or meaning. Many of us feel the urge of a great destiny that is very personal to us, something that only we can do that will have a positive and meaningful impact in the world.
We may sense that destiny relative to the world at large or our chosen profession. Or perhaps we feel it relative to our own family or community. Often, the fulfillment of this destiny seems to stay just out of reach, never really manifesting into life experience. Or a person may become disillusioned, believing that the deep sensing of the heart is not real, or that it is impossible to fulfill.
Life Destiny Immersion helps a person to bring the calling of their personal destiny into vivid awareness. They have the opportunity to embrace the life path that is open to them, and to realistically face and overcome disillusionment.
Participants get in touch with the support that is available for them in their journey—from other people, from within themselves and from life itself. And with that support behind them, perspective grows. The past is left behind and the participant becomes ready to re-engage in their life with fresh energy and vision.
Life Destiny Immersion is based on this simple, yet profound idea: that we can live our lives according to what we value most. According to what is most important to us. According to what we hold as most sacred. Participants find the tools to bring this passion to their family, their work, their love life, and their service to others.
This workshop takes you on an inspiring personal journey that leads to renewed life experiences. Life Destiny Immersion is guided by skilled facilitators who have helped countless others to recognize their true passions and to reset the course of their life. Join us for this day-long opportunity to immerse yourself in the creative rediscovery of your life destiny.
Event Details
7:30 p.m. Friday, July 11 until 6:00 p.m. Saturday, July 12
This seminar is offered on a donation basis. There is a $45 fee for meals and snacks; overnight accommodation is available and includes meals and snacks.

If you have any questions or comments please contact the event registrar by filling out this form