Whole Person—Whole World
Victory, Freedom and Peace
Amstelveen, The Netherlands
May 5–6, 2014
At this time of celebration, come and experience the liberation of your Spirit.
Event Details
May 5: An evening of Attunement
7:30 p.m.–9:00 p.m.
Connect with the life-giving natural force within each of us that renews, refreshes and transforms. Be the peace you wish to know in the world.
May 6: A one-day seminar
10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Experience the universal force that you are; whole people create a whole world. You can bring healing to yourself, other people and the planet.
In this seminar, you will:
• Give your spirituality practical form
• Activate your inspiration
• Welcome the role of emotions in your life
• Manifest love on Earth

May 5 only (evening): €20
May 6, day only: €50 (bring lunch to share)
May 5 and 6: €60
Venue Details
Suze Groeneweglaan 11
Amstelveen, The Netherlands
Contact: Irene de Groof
Phone: 0641805190 or 020-6430021
View event flyer (PDF)