my experience


Out of Many, One

This Week’s Quotation: A real and complete spiritual experience involves both oneness and dynamism. Universal Love brings an experience of oneness—between oneself and all Creation, among people, and with Universal Love. Dynamism requires at least two. Dynamism is created when there is a relationship

Heroic Devotion

This Week’s Quotation: The solution to the clouds in consciousness that create low motivation—no fire in the belly—is to regularly think about what is worth your highest love and to feel the feelings that go along with those thoughts. Let it fill your mind. Let it fill your feelings. Celebrate it in your words. Write

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The Thrill of Creating

This Week’s Quotation: In taking action, you are letting all that you have generated in the creative process to this point precipitate a physical act. You are applying your strength to manifest in physical form what you have felt and

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Increasing Life Energy

This Week’s Quotation: Closest to you are your own thoughts and feelings and your own physical awareness. Moving through this inmost aspect of your creative field is your own life energy—your spirit—ebbing and flowing through thought and feeling and through

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From Autopilot to Awareness

This Week’s Quotation: At the level of the whole human being, the power of creation depends on the nature of human thought and emotion. It depends on consciousness to get fully through to us. That is why the energy field

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The Body of Love

This Week’s Quotation: The body of love is a stone cut out without hands. Think of the way love is embodied in your own life—the love you share with those closest to you, or the love you share with the

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Courage to Pave the Way

This Week’s Quotation: Courage to Pave the Way Is there an opportunity for you to bring a higher way of being that would go against the turmoil in the world and bring attention to yourself—becoming the tall poppy and possibly

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Being Yourself

This Week’s Quotation: The journey to a fulfilled life begins when you live into the wonder of what is possible for you to experience and create. It includes an opening to an awareness of the wonder of Being within you

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