This Week’s Quotation:

I am that force and power
That lifts a man
From his lowest hour;
From that time in his life
When he stares at
What will not be,
And what cannot happen.

I am that inner urge
That defies the dead,
The locked up,
The pathetic round
Of the impossible,
And like the earth’s
Tectonic power,
Shakes and reforms the
Solid to dust
And back again
And says no to what will end
And yes to the new world that awaits.

~ Becoming a Sun p. 185

Yes to the New World

David Karchere
Author, Becoming a Sun

I needed to hear that!

On this February Friday morning, it is good to hear words that affirm who I am and
why I am here. I hope they do that for you too.

Yes to the new world that awaits!

Enjoy the day and the weekend.

What does it mean to become a sun?

Every human being is already a sun on the inside—a being of intense love and light. The difference is that some people have the vision and courage to become a sun on the outside. This difference is our human destiny.

8 Responses

  1. I needed to hear this also! I love the visceral reality of this poem as it is allowed to shake us to the very core of our being, and lets the NEW be revealed through us. Thank you David!

  2. Yes, our Attunement circle online this day enhanced that divine cosmic power & light force into the vibration of the new earth. I feel the Blessing of our connection as we radiate the Love and more people join us heart with heart………….David thankyou for your poem & the awareness it brings forth. This current was beautifully expressed through the Attunement facilitators today.

  3. The world that humanity has created is so terribly out of alignment with the creative process of Life. So good to be with you, David, in rising from that lowest hour and bringing forth the new world that awaits.

  4. Yes to the New World !

    I resonate with these words – current for me in heart, body and Soul.

    So grateful for you and others on this magnificent evolutionary journey.

    Thank you !

  5. What a wonderful poem. Did you write it David. I found it so encouraging and strengthening, especially at this time of living through so many difficulties. There is always a new day to step into and to bring all the love that we have.

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