This Week’s Quotation:
At first it seems like this is a personal, individual journey, and it has to start that way. But what people find is that the individual journey only goes so far until they see that their future is connected to a much larger destiny that involves all of humanity, and Planet Earth as a whole. They find that their own fate and destiny only make sense in that larger context.
As much as they might try to work out their own life on a purely individual basis, that attempt keeps them locked into the dark cloud, because that kind of attempt is based in self-interest. And in self-interest, they are locked into the hurts that have lodged in the emotional body of humanity, and the human state as it has been. They become free as they invest in the collective future of humanity because they are investing in the cloud of glory for all humanity.
~ Becoming a Sun p. 68
Free From the Dark Cloud

Author, Becoming a Sun
This excerpt comes from a mini-chapter in my book called The Cloud. It begins with this ominous statement:
There has been a dark cloud hanging over humanity.
The statement is not only ominous but a bit cliché. It is nonetheless true.
Some truths might seem to be daunting to accept and understand. But it can be enlightening to see what is transpiring. And this truth explains a lot.
There is definitely an individual component to a human life. And that is where our power is. We are each sovereign in our own life. But still, there is something larger going on.
We live our lives as a member of the human race. And our race has generated a field of energy built, in part, by the negative attitudes, actions, thoughts, and emotions of people over millennia. That field of energy is present, and we can all feel it.
If you don’t realize what is happening, you will attribute the negative vibes you perceive to a particular person or circumstance. And they might be a cause. But there is something far larger going on. There is a dark cloud of accumulated negative energy hanging over us all. And as long as we keep blaming it on individuals and reacting to our perception of them, we stay subject to the dark cloud.
When we see what is going on—and the epic proportions of what we are involved in—we can participate in the generation of a cloud of light for all humankind. Through attitudes, actions, thoughts, and emotions that are full of light, we dissipate the dark cloud and play our part in establishing a new energy field for our race.
In the process, we stop being subject to the dark cloud hanging over humanity and set ourselves free.
What does it mean to become a sun?
Every human being is already a sun on the inside—a being of intense love and light. The difference is that some people have the vision and courage to become a sun on the outside. This difference is our human destiny.
3 Responses
Thanks much, David. At first glance the comic strip character PIG PEN in PEANUTS seems to be magically carrying a dark cloud suspended over him. But if you follow the full story over the years, PIG PEN’S dark cloud comes because of his preoccupation with dirt, the earth, and always making a mess of himself. If we are involved with what is below us, we will always stir up a dark cloud. As you say, the key is with the cloud of glory, the one high above….and surrounding angels in action. We as humanity may generate the “silver lining” to any dark cloud and ultimately go much further by letting our own sunshine out — which dispels some clouds and give a glorious glow to others. As we become suns, the dark cloud is transformed to the cloud of glory. Totally with you in this. Love, Tom
Your words, David, are an excellent reminder that we are inextricably linked to the whole body of humanity and that shining the Light to the highest of my vision in the circumstances of my own living will assist in dissipating the dark cloud hanging over humanity. So good to engage with you in this vital spiritual work.
Beautiful –
When we see what is going on—and the epic proportions of what we are involved in—we can participate in the generation of a cloud of light for all humankind. Through attitudes, actions, thoughts, and emotions that are full of light, we dissipate the dark cloud and play our part in establishing a new energy field for our race.
In the process, we stop being subject to the dark cloud hanging over humanity and set ourselves free.