my experience


Blessed Radiance

This Week’s Quotation: A spiritually asleep person is satisfied with an opaque veil—a state of awareness in which there is little consciousness of the sacred. So many who consider themselves spiritually aware settle on a translucent veil—like a window made of frosted glass. They

Claiming Your Life

This Week’s Quotation: If you were an eternal Spirit Being of the cosmos, why would you have chosen to incarnate as you? According to the Creation stories around the world, that is exactly what has happened. You’ve chosen to be here on this planet, in this time, and in this place. ~ Becoming a Sun

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Practicing Good Judgment

This Week’s Quotation: When you face the opportunity to take action, you are also facing all the times in your past when you took an action like the one you are facing now and it did not go well. …You

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The Wellspring of Possibilities

This Week’s Quotation: Maybe the possible is not really in the future. Maybe there are possibilities with us now in a premanifest state. It could be that all of what has not yet happened is waiting in that premanifest state,

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The Eye of the Beholder: Radiant Vision

This Week’s Quotation: Your Being begins in oneness. It begins in pure, unitary awareness. This is the sun nature that is you at your core. But you were not content to be just this one thing. You, as unitary awareness,

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Empowerment in the Highest

This Week’s Quotation: Empowerment in the Highest I believe we dance between two extremely different experiences of empowerment throughout our entire lives. One is founded in our mortal humanity and one is founded in our eternal Spirit. This dance is

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The Heart that Connects

This Week’s Quotation: The emotional body is that part of people that connects easily with what is around them—with the flow of the natural world, with other people, and even with the invisible life energy that courses through the human

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