my experience


The Cross of Life

This Week’s Quotation: One of the most ancient symbols of what it is to be a human being is the cross of life. It appears in many forms through ancient cultures, long before Christianity. So in its simplest form, the cross is a horizontal

Awakening the Angel Within

This Week’s Quotation: All this happens because God the Means opens to God the Possible. And the one angel can speak through human consciousness to the body of humankind. To your human body. To the whole body of humankind through you. ~ Becoming a Sun p. 190 Awakening the Angel Within What if you knew,

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The Radiant Cloud of Possibility

This Week’s Quotation: There are people around the world who are celebrating a different kind of cloud; because while humanity has a legacy that has produced the dark cloud, there is also another kind of legacy of our spiritual ancestors—men

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Practical Spirituality

This Week’s Quotation: This world needs a practical spirituality—one that is relevant to the individual challenges that people meet every day and to the larger issues facing humanity. Doesn’t it seem to you that many of the religions and spiritual

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Evolutionary Change

This Week’s Quotation: How open are you to be just what this circumstance needs? To be as hard and as strong as the circumstance requires, as big and as powerful, as enduring, as tenacious, as decisive as this circumstance requires,

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The Vibration From Inside

This Week’s Quotation: There is a vibration coming from inside all things, and there is a rhythm to it. The human rhythm can be out of sync with the vibration emanating from within the human experience. If that happens to

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Courageous Dynamism

This Week’s Quotation: Courageous Dynamism Before I consciously began my spiritual exploration, I grabbed and clawed at my world for selfhood, love, excitement, and purpose—all the things that I now know are vivaciously flowing through me. I’ve learned that when

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