my experience


Grace Along the Way

This Week’s Quotation: To you who read these words, together we have this golden, shining moment in time to bring a shift in the outworking human destiny. Despite whatever sense of disillusionment might have been present for you, despite whatever failures you might believe

The Grace of God

This Week’s Quotation: I am inviting you to do this: If God’s grace has changed your life, recall the difference that that made for you. And live this day and every day of your life, from this day forward, with that passion. Give what you were given, with the same gratitude and the same joy

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Soul Nourishment

This Week’s Quotation: What first occurs when the sun comes out in your experience is that your emotional body basks in its radiance—the waters of your soul are warmed. The radiance of the sun that we bring is the power

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Embodied Expression

This Week’s Quotation: What are the attributes of an embodied experience of a self? If you were going to build a flesh body you were going to incarnate into, what would those attributes be? There have to be qualities and

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Being and Becoming

This Week’s Quotation: I believe that every human being is called to greatness and that life is a thrill if we are in service to our calling, and from my own experience I would recommend this. Do not deny any

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The Depth of Oneness

This Week’s Quotation: If you see someone as outside of you, it probably seems difficult to hold consistent positive thoughts. From that perspective, it is impossible. When you understand that the people and circumstances of your life are living within

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Heart of Stardust

This Week’s Quotation: The nature of your life as a human being is to be present here and now in this moment in time, in this immediate place where you are reading these words. The infinite and the eternal are

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Boundaries vs Empowerment

This Week’s Quotation: Boundaries vs Empowerment What if the boundaries we have set to protect ourselves were cutting us off from the infinite and the eternal that is present in each moment, preventing us from experiencing the possible and taking

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