my experience


The Warmth of Blessing

This Week’s Quotation: What first occurs when the sun comes out in your experience is that your emotional body basks in its radiance—the waters of your soul are warmed. The emotional body loves to feel our warmth. It loves to receive warmth from your

What is a SUN?

This Week’s Quotation: It is our personal and collective destiny to become a sun—to become on the outside what we already are on the inside: a conscious presence of Universal Love. This destiny is behind everything we experience as human beings, however we interpret it—every passion, every adventure, every challenge, even what might look like

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The Vibration From Inside

This Week’s Quotation: There is a vibration coming from inside all things, and there is a rhythm to it. The human rhythm can be out of sync with the vibration emanating from within the human experience. If that happens to

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Courageous Dynamism

This Week’s Quotation: Courageous Dynamism Before I consciously began my spiritual exploration, I grabbed and clawed at my world for selfhood, love, excitement, and purpose—all the things that I now know are vivaciously flowing through me. I’ve learned that when

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Grace of the Great Mother

This Week’s Quotation: We each have the potential within us to be that one who brings this message of the Great Mother. We might use words to bring it. But beyond words, somehow, at unseen levels of communication among us

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Love Is God

This Week’s Quotation: Russian writer, philosopher, and social activist Leo Tolstoy said this in Thoughts of Prince Andrew, Book 12, chapter 16, on the topic: All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love. Everything is, everything exists,

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Newly Forming Community

This Week’s Quotation: As I listened to the personal stories and looked at the faces around the room, I saw more tears. First, just one or two. As the session continued, I realized that I was in the middle of

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