my experience


Cosmic Creation

This Week’s Quotation: Try experimenting with this idea. Your consciousness could create your world. That creation will require some thinking about the physical reality around you. But more than that is required. You have to open your thoughts to the spiritual so that what


This Week’s Quotation: Self-Empowered Sometimes, I want to wallow in my sorrow and be in my anger about being wronged. Have you ever experienced that? When you’re in “a mood” and someone comes along with positivity and love—you’d rather they leave you alone? Welcome to a human pattern of being—thus far. Being in our victimhood

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The Grace of God

This Week’s Quotation: I am inviting you to do this: If God’s grace has changed your life, recall the difference that that made for you. And live this day and every day of your life, from this day forward, with

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Ours to do

This Week’s Quotation: …men and women are called to spiritual mastery, by whatever name. They are called to be spiritual masters, not out of arrogance or of pretense, not out of human whim or determination. They are called to be

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Divine vs Artificial Intelligence

This Week’s Quotation: How did the world get to be the way it is now? Is it not a result of the consciousness of every person who played a part in creating it? If we could collectively create it this

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Courageous Dynamism

This Week’s Quotation: Courageous Dynamism Is there a powerful dynamism that we’re not yet open to? A greater capacity we long for consciously or unconsciously? Before I consciously began my spiritual exploration, I grabbed and clawed at my world for

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Radiant Clouds of Possibility

This Week’s Quotation: There are people around the world who are celebrating a different kind of cloud; because while humanity has a legacy that has produced the dark cloud, there is also another kind of legacy of our spiritual ancestors—men

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Generosity of Spirit

This Week’s Quotation: Generosity is a quality that applies to every aspect of life. It can relate to physical things or even to your handling of money, but it is far more than that. It is the experience that you

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