my experience


Out of Many, One

This Week’s Quotation: A real and complete spiritual experience involves both oneness and dynamism. Universal Love brings an experience of oneness—between oneself and all Creation, among people, and with Universal Love. Dynamism requires at least two. Dynamism is created when there is a relationship

Heroic Devotion

This Week’s Quotation: The solution to the clouds in consciousness that create low motivation—no fire in the belly—is to regularly think about what is worth your highest love and to feel the feelings that go along with those thoughts. Let it fill your mind. Let it fill your feelings. Celebrate it in your words. Write

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Being and Becoming

This Week’s Quotation: I believe that every human being is called to greatness and that life is a thrill if we are in service to our calling, and from my own experience I would recommend this. Do not deny any

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The Depth of Oneness

This Week’s Quotation: If you see someone as outside of you, it probably seems difficult to hold consistent positive thoughts. From that perspective, it is impossible. When you understand that the people and circumstances of your life are living within

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Heart of Stardust

This Week’s Quotation: The nature of your life as a human being is to be present here and now in this moment in time, in this immediate place where you are reading these words. The infinite and the eternal are

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Boundaries vs Empowerment

This Week’s Quotation: Boundaries vs Empowerment What if the boundaries we have set to protect ourselves were cutting us off from the infinite and the eternal that is present in each moment, preventing us from experiencing the possible and taking

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Turn to Love

This Week’s Quotation: The nature of your life as a human being is to be present here and now in this moment in time, in this immediate place where you are reading these words. The infinite and the eternal are

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Practicing Good Judgment

This Week’s Quotation: When you face the opportunity to take action, you are also facing all the times in your past when you took an action like the one you are facing now and it did not go well. …You

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