Central to aLake Statue Shopped Sized 2014-06-25 20.33.45ny true spiritual teaching is the imperative to fully enter the present moment. This teaching was brought to the West by Ram Dass in his 1971 classic, Be Here Now. In 1997, Eckhart Tolle published The Power of Now, an enlightened teaching on being fully present. But what does it really mean to you to show up fully in the here and now? What does it take to truly be here now?

In a recent article, this is how I described my own experience of being fully present.

My experience is that when I really do that, the magic of life takes over. That’s how it seems to me in my own experience. My thoughts come alive, full of creative imagination and an uncommon understanding of the people and events around me. My feelings deepen. I am free from my own story, and I inherit magical creative power.

So how about you? I invite you to share your experience in response to this blog. Have you had peak experiences of showing up in here and now like you never had before? Are there specifics things you do to be here now in your life? I’d love to hear!




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Nancy Lynn Cooper
Nancy Lynn Cooper
July 16, 2014 8:57 pm

Being fully present “in the now” for me, means letting go of any emotional or mental baggage. It means really trusting that relaxing into the moment – deliberately coming to a state of peace and contentment regardless of what rationale other factors may be attempting to draw me into, brings an unanticipated, unexpected next event – most next events born out of this inner quietness and contentment has seemed to bring me just what was needed if I didn’t “fret” about what my mind thought the next event was going to be. 🙂

It’s late now. My precious mind is sleepy but I wanted to try out your new blog site, so I hope this made sense!

Nancy Lynn Cooper
Nancy Lynn Cooper
July 18, 2014 10:35 am

As we allow ourselves to be fully present in the moment, which means a quiet mind and a heart free from any emotional entanglement – open to the great Creator – another world opens to us, full of beauty and greater understanding…

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