my experience


Generosity of Spirit

This Week’s Quotation: Generosity is a quality that applies to every aspect of life. It can relate to physical things or even to your handling of money, but it is far more than that. It is the experience that you have more to give

Fully Present

This Week’s Quotation: When it comes to physical things, you can draw concise and accurate diagrams of what it is you are describing. When it comes to building a house, you can draw up the architectural plans and get the carpenter and plumber and everybody else to follow the plans. When it comes to spiritual

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We Love as One

This Week’s Quotation: Your spirit is intrinsically tied to what is happening all over the world. You can choose not to be aware of it, but it matters to you what is happening around this world. You will feel it.

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Creating Tranquility and Joy

This Week’s Quotation: You have probably noticed that there is a connection between how you think and how you feel. If your emotions are the deep waters of your soul, then your thoughts are the atmosphere—the air. In the physical

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Creator’s Fulfillment

This Week’s Quotation: Imagine for a moment that you were the creator of the universe. What possible reason could you have had for creating it? Imagine living somewhere in the realm of the infinite and the eternal, thinking about the

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Receiving Inspiration

This Week’s Quotation: Generosity is the source of all virtue. Relative to any aspect of your experience, it is the knowing that you have more to give. When you bring generosity to your thinking, you have more ideas, and more

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Embracing the Sacred

This Week’s Quotation: Sacredness is impossible to define. But you know it when you experience it; when you see something so exquisitely beautiful that it takes your breath away. It evokes profound respect and radical amazement. You sense the wholeness

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A Home for the Possible

This Week’s Quotation: What is possible for a person and what is potential in this world might seem to be a dream relating to some future time. What is possible might seem to be nonexistent, something that might take form

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