This Week’s Quotation:
For weeks, it felt like a bomb had detonated inside me. As I saw it, there was nothing I could do about what had happened. There was nothing to say that would do any good—no public statement that would make any difference. I believed that any appeal to the friend who had betrayed me would be to no avail. I had no interest in retribution or revenge.
The explosion inside continued to do its work. I felt terribly alone, with hardly a friend in the world. Energetically, the impact rattled around in my body and seemed to explode out the top of my head. In a way I had never known before, I felt connected to an invisible reality above me that was there for me, holding me steady in the midst of the personal crisis.
~ Becoming a Sun p. 258
Internal Explosions

Author, Becoming a Sun
I had an excellent writing coach, Amanda Johnson, for my first book, Becoming a Sun. It felt like a massive undertaking, and I was grateful to have the support of someone who had been through the process many times before as a coach and an author.
Amanda encouraged me to share stories from my life that would illustrate my message. The paragraphs above are from one of the stories I told.
Have you ever had an experience like that? When you found yourself in a situation, and at least for the time being, there was nothing you could do externally? All you could do was contain the energy of the circumstance within yourself?
My experience is that there is at least a little bit of that going on almost all the time. There is turbulence in me that parallels the turbulence of my world.
Here is what I’ve found. When there is a place of calm within me in the midst of whatever storm is raging, I ride out the storm. There is a reordering of my human reality in the process. I come to a place of greater clarity and greater strength. And somehow, the transformation I’ve experienced is reflected in my world.
There might be practical implications to this process. I might see something I hadn’t seen before. There might be an action I could take that hadn’t occurred to me previously. And sometimes, circumstances seem to resolve all by themselves.
Especially when the stress you feel inside rises to a level where it feels like bombs are detonating inside, this is important to remember. Deliberately let your orientation center in a higher reality. Find the place of calm in the midst of the storm. Live from that place. Let the processes of transformation do their perfect work.
What does it mean to become a sun?
Every human being is already a sun on the inside—a being of intense love and light. The difference is that some people have the vision and courage to become a sun on the outside. This difference is our human destiny.
4 Responses
Yes. So well said. Thank you, David and thank you, Amanda. And happy birthday week-end, David!
Two days ago effluent erupted in the lower restroom of our administration building and also in an adjoining office, caused by roots that had gotten into the sewer lines. As the building janitor I had to clean it all up. It was such an appalling situation that it caused something like the internal explosion that you describe. I had to deliberately take some time away from the cleanup to “find the place of calm in the midst of the storm.” But it was a useful learning experience and ultimately a spiritual victory.
Have you ever had an experience like that? When you found yourself in a situation, and at least for the time being, there was nothing you could do externally? All you could do was contain the energy of the circumstance within yourself?
Oh yes!!! It takes work, it takes focus, and ultimately, it takes love and forgiveness.
Blessings 🙌