This Week’s Quotation:
When you move out of the swirl of thought and feeling into an experience of the Being who you are, you are then in position to witness your thoughts and feelings like you never have before. You see the embodiment of yourself through your own thoughts, feelings, and actions. You are bringing the peace of your presence to your conscious awareness. And even if your thoughts and feelings are swirling, you know what is happening, and you have the courage to embrace that experience, not ignoring or running away from it. And through the courage to embrace all of your human experience, all of who you are shows up in the world. Your courage brings the gravity of who you are into the world.
Becoming a Sun, p. 260
Moving Out of the Swirl of Thought and Feeling

Author, Becoming a Sun
My book ended up being longer than I expected—318 pages. I can proudly report that people enjoy reading it. As I envisioned, they take in the mini-chapters, the poetry, and the prose and feel the sense of spiritual intimacy that I experienced as I wrote the book. It takes them someplace. More than book sales or anything else, the fact that Becoming a Sun is meaningful to people means the most to me.
By design, there are many places the book goes. I wanted to cover, in essence, the entire human experience. Pretty ambitious, right? It goes high; it goes low. It communicates insight and grit.
In my opinion, there is nothing more pivotal in the book than the knowledge communicated in the quote above. It is the game-changer. It reverses so many negative premises underlying the human experience common in our culture.
So I invite you to reread the quote. Be with it. Live into it. See where it takes you. Let me know what happens for you. You might get to know your human soul in a way you never have before.
What does it mean to become a sun?
Every human being is already a sun on the inside—a being of intense love and light. The difference is that some people have the vision and courage to become a sun on the outside. This difference is our human destiny.
3 Responses
And even if your thoughts and feelings are swirling, you know what is happening, and you have the courage to embrace that experience, not ignoring or running away from it.
This is so important – it is so easy to stay balanced when when things and people are kind – but when things and people are unkind – it takes much more focus – its good to know this.
I appreciate the words of courage as I proceed into new territory today.
Yes. I love this book. It is truly great to stand above thoughts and feelings. I remember as a teen and in college being totally tormented by feelings if someone did not love me back or if she dated another person … and on and on. It is great now to be thinking lovingly of other people when previously I might have been wondering and worrying about what was going on. It is great to be able to observe emotions and thoughts rather than be ruled by them. Thank you very much David for your masterful insights and guidance. Love, Tom