my experience


Radiant Expression

This Week’s Quotation: You are a perfect Being of love. You do not need to change. Your consciousness will change and grow and heal and evolve as you express through it. Your body will thrive as that happens. It will express who you are,

Let There Be Light

This Week’s Quotation: There is a time in the life of every creative field for critical mass to be attained, a time when the creative power that is bursting through that field— and everyone in it—has to be embraced. The pivotal factor in reaching critical mass for the creative field you inhabit is consciousness. Consciousness

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You Are Universal Love

This Week’s Quotation: The Being who is the truth of who you are longs to enter your soul and to enter the world in which you live. It takes courage to come to the place of recognition that you are

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The Realm of Angels

This Week’s Quotation: What is possible for a person and what is potential in this world might seem to be a dream relating to some future time. What is possible might seem to be nonexistent, something that might take form

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A Body of Love Shared With Others

This Week’s Quotation: Think of the way love is embodied in your own life—the love you share with those closest to you, or the love you share with the community of people that is around you. If you truly experience

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Emotions Are Primal

This Week’s Quotation: Emotional intelligence begins with the awareness that your feeling nature is the primal aspect of your human experience. You can’t get rid of it, nor should you. It is you at your most innocent, your most open,

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A Radical Personal Strategy

This Week’s Quotation: You might feel shame and disgust when you catch yourself acting out of your own internal disturbance. Can you stay present? Can you endure the feeling? Hold on. It might be a wild ride to begin with.

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The Voice of The Creator

This Week’s Quotation: At their best, words track an experience and convey information that can’t be fully captured in words. My hope is that what is happening inside us all is invoked more fully for me in the sharing of

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