my experience


The Cross of Life

This Week’s Quotation: One of the most ancient symbols of what it is to be a human being is the cross of life. It appears in many forms through ancient cultures, long before Christianity. So in its simplest form, the cross is a horizontal

Awakening the Angel Within

This Week’s Quotation: All this happens because God the Means opens to God the Possible. And the one angel can speak through human consciousness to the body of humankind. To your human body. To the whole body of humankind through you. ~ Becoming a Sun p. 190 Awakening the Angel Within What if you knew,

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Grace of the Great Mother

This Week’s Quotation: We each have the potential within us to be that one who brings this message of the Great Mother. We might use words to bring it. But beyond words, somehow, at unseen levels of communication among us

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Love Is God

This Week’s Quotation: Russian writer, philosopher, and social activist Leo Tolstoy said this in Thoughts of Prince Andrew, Book 12, chapter 16, on the topic: All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love. Everything is, everything exists,

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Newly Forming Community

This Week’s Quotation: As I listened to the personal stories and looked at the faces around the room, I saw more tears. First, just one or two. As the session continued, I realized that I was in the middle of

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The Realm of Angels

This Week’s Quotation: There is a creative field being held by angels. There is an already-existing field that you and I did not have to invent. It does not depend or rely on us in any way. Our experience as

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The Engine of Your Creativity

This Week’s Quotation: Think of what goes wrong in the human experience. We lose faith in our leaders when we believe that they lack generosity; when we believe they are not leading out of an attitude of pure service, but

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The Powerful Creative Urge Within

This Week’s Quotation: The difference between a joyful, fulfilling life and an unhappy, unfulfilled life is conscious awareness and understanding. When people understand that their personal destiny is to become a sun, and they understand the process by which that

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