my experience


Out of Many, One

This Week’s Quotation: A real and complete spiritual experience involves both oneness and dynamism. Universal Love brings an experience of oneness—between oneself and all Creation, among people, and with Universal Love. Dynamism requires at least two. Dynamism is created when there is a relationship

Heroic Devotion

This Week’s Quotation: The solution to the clouds in consciousness that create low motivation—no fire in the belly—is to regularly think about what is worth your highest love and to feel the feelings that go along with those thoughts. Let it fill your mind. Let it fill your feelings. Celebrate it in your words. Write

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The Ordering Powers of Sovereignty

This Week’s Quotation: The mortal man who incarnates the King energy or bears it for a while in the service of his fellow human beings, in the service of the realm (of whatever dimensions), in the service of the cosmos,

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A Journey to Grace

This Week’s Quotation: I understand now that I received the seed of grace in those moments, and it changed me… Grace comes in a unique way to every person. This was how it came to me. Since that day, I’ve

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Practical Spirituality

This Week’s Quotation: Practical spirituality isn’t chasing after something wonderful, whether you see that as being spiritual or not. It is staying where you are and letting what is full of wonder find you. And it is letting a world

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Elders in the Circle Have to Disbelieve

This Week’s Quotation: Cliff Barry, the founder of Shadow Work® seminars, says that the elders in the circle have to disbelieve. In other words, if a group is to thrive, there have to be leaders who choose not to buy

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A Home for the Possible

This Week’s Quotation: Our human capacity—our thoughts and feelings and our physical capacity—is made to be a dwelling place for the possible. We are supposed to be a home for the possible, so that it might manifest through us into

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