my experience


Out of Many, One

This Week’s Quotation: A real and complete spiritual experience involves both oneness and dynamism. Universal Love brings an experience of oneness—between oneself and all Creation, among people, and with Universal Love. Dynamism requires at least two. Dynamism is created when there is a relationship

Heroic Devotion

This Week’s Quotation: The solution to the clouds in consciousness that create low motivation—no fire in the belly—is to regularly think about what is worth your highest love and to feel the feelings that go along with those thoughts. Let it fill your mind. Let it fill your feelings. Celebrate it in your words. Write

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The Wellspring of Possibilities

This Week’s Quotation: Maybe the possible is not really in the future. Maybe there are possibilities with us now in a premanifest state. It could be that all of what has not yet happened is waiting in that premanifest state,

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The Eye of the Beholder: Radiant Vision

This Week’s Quotation: Your Being begins in oneness. It begins in pure, unitary awareness. This is the sun nature that is you at your core. But you were not content to be just this one thing. You, as unitary awareness,

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Empowerment in the Highest

This Week’s Quotation: Empowerment in the Highest I believe we dance between two extremely different experiences of empowerment throughout our entire lives. One is founded in our mortal humanity and one is founded in our eternal Spirit. This dance is

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The Heart that Connects

This Week’s Quotation: The emotional body is that part of people that connects easily with what is around them—with the flow of the natural world, with other people, and even with the invisible life energy that courses through the human

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Radiant Expression

This Week’s Quotation: You are a perfect Being of love. You do not need to change. Your consciousness will change and grow and heal and evolve as you express through it. Your body will thrive as that happens. It will

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