my experience


Radiant Clouds of Possibility

This Week’s Quotation: There are people around the world who are celebrating a different kind of cloud; because while humanity has a legacy that has produced the dark cloud, there is also another kind of legacy of our spiritual ancestors—men and women of true

Generosity of Spirit

This Week’s Quotation: Generosity is a quality that applies to every aspect of life. It can relate to physical things or even to your handling of money, but it is far more than that. It is the experience that you have more to give in any area of your life. More creative thought to give

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The Heart that Connects

This Week’s Quotation: The emotional body is that part of people that connects easily with what is around them—with the flow of the natural world, with other people, and even with the invisible life energy that courses through the human

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Radiant Expression

This Week’s Quotation: You are a perfect Being of love. You do not need to change. Your consciousness will change and grow and heal and evolve as you express through it. Your body will thrive as that happens. It will

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Let There Be Light

This Week’s Quotation: There is a time in the life of every creative field for critical mass to be attained, a time when the creative power that is bursting through that field— and everyone in it—has to be embraced. The

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Claiming the Gift of our Origin Story

This Week’s Quotation: Claiming the Gift of our Origin Story We are descendants of survivors. What did they do to live beyond the circumstances they faced? What ways of Being served their journey that allowed us to experience life today?

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The Warmth of Blessing

This Week’s Quotation: What first occurs when the sun comes out in your experience is that your emotional body basks in its radiance—the waters of your soul are warmed. The emotional body loves to feel our warmth. It loves to

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