my experience


Blessed Radiance

This Week’s Quotation: A spiritually asleep person is satisfied with an opaque veil—a state of awareness in which there is little consciousness of the sacred. So many who consider themselves spiritually aware settle on a translucent veil—like a window made of frosted glass. They

Claiming Your Life

This Week’s Quotation: If you were an eternal Spirit Being of the cosmos, why would you have chosen to incarnate as you? According to the Creation stories around the world, that is exactly what has happened. You’ve chosen to be here on this planet, in this time, and in this place. ~ Becoming a Sun

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Primal Flow

This Week’s Quotation: The emotional body is born out of the innocent, primal flow that is natural to infants and which stays with people throughout their life at some level. This is the deep of the waters of your being.

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Enlightened Awareness

This Week’s Quotation: The person who attempts to attain enlightened awareness through human effort believes that they will know it only after they expend human effort of some kind—after they fast, meditate, read, deprive themselves, exert extreme physical effort, or

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Generosity Is the Fuel

This Week’s Quotation: Self-centeredness shuts down the flow of generosity to thinking, to feeling, and to the strength of the body and the strength of will. Without generosity, the virtues of intelligence, strength, and flow are blocked. What remains is

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Answering an Inner Calling

This Week’s Quotation: There is an inner voice of truth calling. It inspires honesty and clarity in the way we relate to our own life and to other people. If we are to hear the voice that speaks with us

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The Door Is Selflessness

This Week’s Quotation: I have a simpler way of describing the door to another world of experience. The door is selflessness. And there is no real selflessness without selfless service to a higher reality. I am not talking about charitable

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There Is Life in the Darkness

This Week’s Quotation: All too often, the human experience is utterly too predictable. That’s what happens when a person is out of touch with their own darkness and tries to create a life in the image of what is already

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