my experience


Out of Many, One

This Week’s Quotation: A real and complete spiritual experience involves both oneness and dynamism. Universal Love brings an experience of oneness—between oneself and all Creation, among people, and with Universal Love. Dynamism requires at least two. Dynamism is created when there is a relationship

Heroic Devotion

This Week’s Quotation: The solution to the clouds in consciousness that create low motivation—no fire in the belly—is to regularly think about what is worth your highest love and to feel the feelings that go along with those thoughts. Let it fill your mind. Let it fill your feelings. Celebrate it in your words. Write

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Enlightened Awareness

This Week’s Quotation: The person who attempts to attain enlightened awareness through human effort believes that they will know it only after they expend human effort of some kind—after they fast, meditate, read, deprive themselves, exert extreme physical effort, or

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Generosity Is the Fuel

This Week’s Quotation: Self-centeredness shuts down the flow of generosity to thinking, to feeling, and to the strength of the body and the strength of will. Without generosity, the virtues of intelligence, strength, and flow are blocked. What remains is

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Answering an Inner Calling

This Week’s Quotation: There is an inner voice of truth calling. It inspires honesty and clarity in the way we relate to our own life and to other people. If we are to hear the voice that speaks with us

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The Door Is Selflessness

This Week’s Quotation: I have a simpler way of describing the door to another world of experience. The door is selflessness. And there is no real selflessness without selfless service to a higher reality. I am not talking about charitable

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There Is Life in the Darkness

This Week’s Quotation: All too often, the human experience is utterly too predictable. That’s what happens when a person is out of touch with their own darkness and tries to create a life in the image of what is already

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Internal Explosions

This Week’s Quotation: For weeks, it felt like a bomb had detonated inside me. As I saw it, there was nothing I could do about what had happened. There was nothing to say that would do any good—no public statement

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